Join Me in Fort Worth #RSG14

Six years ago, I suggested those of us who’d built a relationship online here at RedState get together in Atlanta for a drink. I put out an open call and 400 people decided they wanted to meet. Well, with weather and scheduling conflicts, it turned out to be 200 of us. We discussed politics, met like-minded RedStaters in person, and heard from elected officials and candidates who wanted our votes and wanted to change Washington.


We’ve come a long way from that first Gathering, and have grown in size but our focus remains the same. I know you get emails asking you to attend all kinds of different conferences throughout the year, and I recognize how valuable your vacation and family time is to you. I am inviting you, asking each of you to join me this year in Fort Worth at our 6th Annual RedState Gathering August 7-10th.

We have already confirmed Governor Rick Perry as our opening speaker on Friday morning and he is generously hosting Gathering attendees at a Texas-sized Welcome Reception at one of his favorite BBQ joints near the historic Fort Worth Stockyards on Thursday night.

We’ve confirmed Attorney General Greg Abbott who we have enthusiastically endorsed and will be the next Governor of Texas. Senator Ted Cruz will be joining us, as will State Representative Scott Turner who you need to meet in person and is running for Speaker of the Texas State House. He is a dynamic leader and a rising star.

Governor Bobby Jindal, who hosted us last year in New Orleans, will join us again as will Congressman Jim Bridenstine from Oklahoma. We have invited Governors Christie and Haley, Senators Mike Lee, Tim Scott, and Mark Rubio.


The Gathering is also unique because you get to meet and hear from RedState-endorsed candidates from around the country. These are our future leaders and they need grassroots support from people like us as they campaign against DC establishment politics and business as usual.

You also get to meet and interact with all the RedState Contributors that you read every day on the site. We keep the price to attend as low as possible, you can’t beat $249 for early bird registration that includes three breakfasts, two lunches, and all the evening receptions. Our hotel rate at the Renaissance Worthington is a very low $129/night.

So take a moment to go to and register today. Tweet me when you do using the hashtag #RSG14. I look forward to seeing you there.


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