Regarding John Kasich

At my radio website, I used blunter language that would get me banned here at RedState. So, calming down the language here, let me say this.

John Kasich is declaring his candidacy for President today. He has hired a group of people who hate the Republican Party’s voters to run his campaign. He is the second coming of Jon Huntsman without the winning smile.


In short, John Kasich has over the years evolved in a megalomaniac and I have no use for him or the campaign team that brought us Huntsman 2012.

I will vote for the Republican nominee if that nominee is Chris Christie.

I will vote for the Republican nominee if that nominee is Donald Trump.

I will vote for the Republican nominee if that nominee is Jeb Bush.

I will vote for the Republican nominee if that nominee is Joe Blow from under the interstate bypass bridge at I-475.

I will not vote for President in 2016 if God and the Republicans decide to punish us with John Kasich as the Presidential nominee or Vice Presidential nominee.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

If the Republican Party were to decide it worth elevating to the national stage the man who said Jesus told him to support Obamacare as President or Vice President, we would deserve Hillary Clinton as President.


And pay attention, the rest of you. Right now there are Republican analysts who are giddy at the thought of Kasich as Vice Presidential material because OHIO! If you need Kasich as your running mate, don’t waste your time with me. There are plenty of other races to focus on and I’ll need time to prepare for the second Clinton Administration anyway.


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