Did Obama Lie about when he Discovered Hillary Used Private Server for Emails?

By now, chances are you’ve heard the bombshell revelation that 22 of the latest batch of Hillary emails released are too highly classified to have any portion of them made public, but there’s something that hasn’t yet, to my knowledge, been commented upon much in this story. Contained also in this batch were emails between Hillary and President Obama. From the New York Times:


The department announced that 18 emails exchanged between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama would also be withheld, citing the longstanding practice of preserving presidential communications for future release. The department’s spokesman, John Kirby, said that exchanges did not involve classified information.

So, let’s take Kirby and the State Department at their word here (a hard proposition, I know) and accept the assertion that there was not any classified information on these emails. Why then, is this important? Because it probably blows holes in Obama’s own statements about when he found out about her private email server. From last March (skip to about 0:23 in):

Just like with other important issues, Obama said he discovered that Hillary used a private server for her email though reports in the media. Setting aside the fact that this is a horrible way for an American President to get his news, the fact that he exchanged emails with her and they showed up on this server basically blows up his excuse. I mean, I guess it’s technically possible he engaged in a little “Don’t ask, don’t tell” as far as why Hillary was emailing him from an address other than her government-provided one, but that on its own would be an indictment of sorts of his failure to do due diligence on from where people were emailing him. In other words, President Obama basically had to know that these emails were coming from a private source and were not hosted on a government server.


Methinks the President has been caught in a lie here, and if I were in Congress, I’d be using this as yet another reason to investigate the issue. I asked the question in a previous piece, “What did the State Department know, and when did they know it?” That’s a homage to Howard Baker’s famous question from the Watergate investigations, but perhaps we invoked the quote more directly, “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” Heads have rolled for things far less significant.


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