Watch Hillary Clinton Call For Taxpayer Funded Abortions (VIDEO)


If you’re familiar with how the government deals with abortion then you know, taxpayer funds are never to be used to pay for abortions. This is known as the “Hyde Amendment.” The late Representative from Illinois, Henry Hyde, added the rider to appropriations bills for the Department of Health and Human Services starting in 1976. Despite three Democrat administrations, it is still there and has actually been strengthened over time to include Medicaid and Medicare. The restriction also applies to Obamacare but only through an executive order that can be lifted at any time.


As a result of the ban on Medicaid funds being used for abortions, states have had to go their own way to provide taxpayer dollars for abortions with some of them being under court order to do so. Still, the federal ban remains. But abortion groups and advocates want to change that and with Hillary Clinton, they have the candidate who will do it.

The bottom line on Hillary Clinton is that she is a radical on the issue of abortion. She is somebody that not only supports taxpayer funded abortions but supports abortion on demand. She is opposed to almost all restrictions.

Want to know what she thinks is a “reasonable” restriction on abortion? Watch:

“…the very end of the third trimester.”

That’s reasonable to her.

Is it any wonder she gave a speech in front of a bunch of cheering Planned Parenthood flunkies and called for ending the Hyde Amendment so taxpayer funds can be used for abortion? She says it towards the end of this clip but also watch how she praises Planned Parenthood at the start:

Forgive me Secretary Clinton if I do not “appreciate” an organization that snuffs out the lives of 300,000+ unborn every year and until having the practice exposed by David Daleiden and the Center For Medical Progress, was bartering and selling the parts of the babies they aborted and using it as a profit center.


In addition, her use of the word “rights” is abhorrent. It’s the same tired left wing argument. Rights are not only to be exercised but they are being infringed upon if I’m not helping to pay for it.

It’s bad enough Planned Parenthood’s abortion business is subsidized by taxpayer dollars. Hillary wants to take it all the way to eleven.

This is what pro-life people are up against in 2016.


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