Leftist Group Plans to Waste Money on Ads to Pressure Kyrsten Sinema to Blow Up Filibuster

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

If you looked up the term “fool’s errand,” this story might come up in the search engine results. A far-left organization is planning to pressure Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to support the abolition of the filibuster. How? By running advertisements demanding that she reconsider her stance on the matter.


Breitbart News reported that Just Democracy, an activist organization, “will run $1.2 million worth of ads in Arizona from June 21 to June 30 to pressure Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) into trashing the filibuster, amid fears the Republicans will use it to block the legislation designed to cancel state voter ID laws and publicly fund political campaigns.”

The group “will air two ads on cable news programs, local news, and local sports in Arizona and spend $200,000 on digital ads to garner support for the ‘For The People Act.’”

The proposed legislation, which is derisively referred to by opponents as the “Corrupt Politicians Act,” would essentially give the federal government control over state elections. One of the ads begins by highlighting Sinema’s voting record. “Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema is failing us,” it says.

“As the GOP tries to silence our voices, she’s just standing by, supporting a Jim Crow relic instead,” the ad continues. “You’re refusing to stand with us, Sen. Sinema. Why should we stand with you?”

The second ad criticizes the senator for not “fighting” for the voting rights act. “You’re doing their [Republicans] dirty work, letting a Jim Crow relic keep us down,” the ad says.

Democrats have been fond of pretending that the filibuster is racist in origin despite their using it over 300 times last year. “Our right to vote is under attack,” the ad lies.


Sinema is not the only one who has come under fire from the left. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has also received criticism for refusing to support abolishing the filibuster. The lawmaker has also pushed back against the so-called voting rights bill and has asked his colleagues to make serious changes to the proposed measure.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the ads will fall on deaf ears. Sinema has been resolute in her stance on the filibuster and it does not appear likely that she will change her mind because of a few ads. She has already shown that she is not afraid to buck her party when she deems it necessary. Unfortunately for the Democrats, Sinema and Manchin don’t seem keen on allowing them to ram through Biden’s radical agenda before 2022.



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