Friday 'Toon: Kamala Is 'Measuring the Oval Office Drapes'

Kamala Harris rose to the Vice-Presidency with no discernible skills — at least not the type that should land a person a single heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Harris’ rise in politics is reportedly due to California’s heavy-hitter Willie Brown. Brown admitted to an affair with Harris which coincided with her failing upwards. Kamala thought she had the chops to be president. She didn’t, of course. She never did. Kamala got exactly no delegates and was napalmed by Tulsi Gabbard during the debates.


No matter, she was tapped as VP because of her skillset: Being a woman and a POC. She quickly demonstrated her public speaking abilities rivaled the demented man in the Oval Office.

Joey More-Lies has admitted to at least a stutter, asthma, oil cloud cancer, and now COVID. Those ailments are in addition to Joe’s obvious cognitive disabilities. Harris sees her chance. With Joe walled up in the White House’s residence sipping green tea, eating pudding, and watching his poll numbers tumble, Harris is downstairs in the Oval Office, measuring the drapes.

God Help Us.


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