School Board Member Virtue-Signals Herself out of Job

Upper Moreland SD Dec 6th meeting (Credit: USMD/YouTube)
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“I believe that Ms. D’Elia would make an excellent president. However, I feel that electing the only gay black woman on this board president of this district sends the wrong message to our community: a message that is contrary to what we as a board have been trying to accomplish. I think we need to practice what we preach, and our words have strength when they are spoken.

“Mr. Stainback has done an exemplary job as president these last few months, and the strength of his performance has earned him my vote tonight.”


If you read the above, recoiled in shock and your eyebrows tilted up so hard that it caused whiplash, you would be rightfully indignant. If anyone uttered those words at a school board meeting in 2022, their public life would auger harder than Sam Bankman-Fried’s credibility. Their lives would be wrecked.

But that isn’t what was said. The speaker was Jennifer Solot, a white woman sitting as a board member of the Upper Moreland SD in Pennsylvania. She actually said this:

I believe that Mr. D’Elia would make an excellent president. However, I feel that electing the only cis white male on this board president of this district sends the wrong message to our community: a message that is contrary to what we as a board have been trying to accomplish. I think we need to practice what we preach, and our words have strength when they are spoken.

“Mrs. Stainback has done an exemplary job as president these last few months, and the strength of her performance has earned her my vote tonight.”

No doubt Solot thought she’d be rewarded with universal “atta-girls.” She was. Until she wasn’t. Solot uttered her virtue-signaling wokeness at an Upper Moreland School Board meeting on December 6th. UMSD is in Willow Grove, a suburb outside of Philadelphia. Solot had the floor as acting president. After she finished her prepared speech, she took a vote for the new president. The vote was eight to one, for April Stainback. Greg D’Elia cast his vote for himself. The composition of the board is two men and seven women. Of course, I am guessing if they all identify as men or women.


Because the meeting was a public event, it was posted on YouTube. Apparently, some people sent the link along to the media. Solot’s days were numbered. Not for what she said but rather for being caught saying it. The District’s Superintendent issued a statement Monday kinda-sorta apologizing for Solot’s comments.

“As a result of this incident, Ms. Solot has decided to resign from the board effective January 2, 2023. She wishes to apologize for her poorly chosen words and does not want to be a distraction from the great things happening in our schools on a daily basis. The district thanks Ms. Solot for her five years of service to the Upper Moreland community as a board member.”

The superintendent also said that her statement was “solely hers” and according to Elliot, did not “represent” the views of the rest of the board. But, they kinda did.

You can watch the board meeting if you choose, but let me summarize for you.

Solot’s comments weren’t off-the-cuff, she read her statement. Of note, Solot was sitting right next to the superintendent, Susan Elliot. Elliot said nothing. Also present was the district’s general counsel. He said nothing – although he likely “checked his privilege” at the door, and thought he couldn’t say anything. He’s a white man. After Solot finished, not one board member objected to her ridiculous virtue-signaling. A few did hesitate before casting their vote, but most gave an “atta-girl” to the vote for a white woman.


Of note, after April Stainback was voted in, Stainback made a few comments and then asked Solot for directions on the school board’s procedure. In other words, the new president needed direction from someone else.

Maybe the best person for the job, was the guy?


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