Hollywood Celebrities Are The Dance Band On The Titanic

Hollywood has fawned over the Obama administration from start to finish. It is often frustrating to see celebrities whose work you like tripping over themselves to worship at the altar of Democratic politics and Barack Obama in particular, but it is the world we live in. However, their devotion to partisanship has of late been incredibly absurd.


With videos calling for electors and Congress to put a stop to Trump’s ascendancy, they showed themselves to be people who relied solely on their star power and very little substance to affect change… which, as it turns out, is a perfect way to describe what Obama eventually became. No wonder they loved him.

That brings me to this little story from The Hill. A-list celebrities, according to the site, showed up in droves for the final party held by the Obamas in the White House.

Among the VIPs who could make the cut on the Friday fete’s invite list at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.: Oprah Winfrey (who snagged a farewell interview with FLOTUS that aired last month), Beyonce and Jay-Z, Samuel L. Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Academy Award-winner Bradley Cooper, according to The Washington Post.


Their appearance appears to be unique to a White House bash of this caliber (in the modern era, anyway…). A Google search for celebrities who attended the final party thrown by the Bushes yield no similar guest lists.

It is almost undeniable that Barack Obama has destroyed the Democratic Party in the short term. Likewise, many of the celebrities who fall in line with him actually do little to advance the progressive agenda they tout. Many of them are far more concerned with limelight and dismiss the idea that the commoners really mean that much in the scheme of things.


This party is little more than the final performance of the dance band on the Titanic. They are playing off what they feel is a beautiful vessel that carried their hopes and dreams, despite the fact that it is sinking fast. Barack and Michelle have lived the lives of celebrities at the expense of the American people, spending taxpayer money on vacations and golf excursions. Everything they’ve done, with few exceptions, has been celebrated and praised by a supportive media.

Of course, the Obamas have every right to through a huge party at the end of their time in the White House. I don’t begrudge them that, nor to I think these celebrities shouldn’t have shown up. That’s all on them.

However, it is worth noting just how many of these people show up to celebrate someone who has lost in the grandest of ways while they act like nothing bad has actually happened. Hollywood is a cesspool of liberal minds with nothing to offer to the conversation. They just strike up the band and play Obama off as though the world isn’t sinking around them.


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