Chris Cuomo: It's "Tolerance" For A Little Girl To See Naked Boys

Chris Cuomo, who truly believes he is an intellectual powerhouse in the world of progressive media, was responding to folks on Twitter about the transgender school bathrooms issue that has been raging all day. Someone asked Cuomo what he thought about a girl seeing a penis in a locker room, and he truly out-Cuomo’d himself.



That’s not tolerance, Chris.

This is how insane the situation is. It is “tolerance” for little boys and little girls to be exposing themselves to others. And, despite what the Twitter reactions to my tweet are saying, I’m not saying that bare-assed nakedness is running rampant in schools.

But, these are children, and they should not be put into this situation in the first place. As someone who has and does teach kids these age, they do not want to be exposed in any way to someone of the opposite sex, no matter the gender.

Cuomo and other people advocating this think they’re doing some grand justice for little kids who are still developmentally too young to really seriously develop a sexual identity.

But, you know, whatever. Social justice!



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