If You Missed Ben Shapiro's Watershed Speech, Look No Further


Author and conservative pundit Ben Shapiro spoke last night in what some might consider hostile territory – the liberal campus of UC Berkeley.

Last night, Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire spoke at the incredibly left-leaning University of California-Berkeley’s campus to a crowd of both conservative students and liberal activists who opposed his visit.


His speech was great, and hit excellent notes while simultaneously not sending anyone into a violent frenzy. Weird. Anyway, here’s the speech.

One of the key targets of Shapiro’s speech was Antifa, the so-called anti-fascist movement that really likes to destroy property.

The talk by Shapiro — author of the bestsellers “Brainwashed,” “Porn Generation” and “Project President” — was met with resistance mostly from Berkeley students who were heard chanting, “Speech is violent, we will not be silent!” and accusing Shapiro, an observant Orthodox Jew, of being a white supremacist or neo-Nazi.

“Thanks to Antifa and the supposed anti-fascist brigade for exposing what the radical left truly is,” he told the massive audience, despite a last-minute decision by the university to reportedly seize all unclaimed tickets to prevent entry to late-ticket buyers.

“All of America is watching because you guys are so stupid. It’s horrifying, I am grateful, and you can all go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jackasses,” he added.

He celebrated the police for ensuring the event occurred, saying “These are the folks that stand between civilization and lawlessness.”

He added that “the only people who are standing between those ATMs and the Antifa are the police, and all they get from the left is a bunch of crap.”


There is a lot of truth to what he is saying here, because the Antifa movement is a lot less about social change and a lot more about throwing temper tantrums.

We know this because there is no political alternative the group is offering. They are simply an amalgamation of social unrest that has no goal, no aim. They like to claim that their social unrest is just one instance in a long history of such, but each movement in history is directly tied to some end.

Antifa just claims to be “anti-fascist,” but it targets nothing even remotely fascist. It just whines and complains about who is president, and they smash things.

And this is the point of Shapiro’s speech. Watch the full thing and see.


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