Los Angeles Meter Maids Mete Out Mercy on Election Day: Will Not Ticket Near Polling Places

The city of Los Angeles is not known for its friendly attitude towards drivers and parkers. In a city that depends deeply on vehicular transportation, they are notorious for taking every opportunity to punish drivers and vehicle owners.


Today, in honor of the worst election day ever, the benevolent dictators at Los Angeles parking enforcement have decided to relax some of the rules as people crowd into their polling places all day.

Residents won’t be required to pay the parking meters or obey time time limits. Street-cleaning and permit-parking restrictions are also being relaxed for the day.

However, this is only within one block of your polling location. Outside of those limits all regular parking enforcement will still apply. Also, within the one block radius drivers will still be ticketed for parking in front of hydrants or driveways.

Happy voting, Los Angeles!



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