Ohio County Says They Will Not Comply With Biden/CDC Eviction Moratorium

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, File

A judge in Ohio has announced that the county court will not be complying with the CDC’s eviction moratorium. On Thursday Franklin County Municipal Court Administrative and Presiding Judge Ted Barrows announced that the court is not obligated to abide by the moratorium, per an appeals-court decision last month.


On July 23, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the CDC overstepped its bounds when it issued a moratorium last year to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Based on that ruling, the Franklin County court release said, courts in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan are no longer bound by the latest moratorium the CDC imposed, on Tuesday.

Barrows told the Columbus Dispatch that tenants still have all the rights they previously had pre-pandemic. Landlords are not able to simply kick someone out of their rental properties. There are processes and procedures that must be followed to protect tenant rights, as well as plenty of COVID rental aid still available for those struggling with rent payments. He called the media-driven hysterics “apocryphal.”

“People talk about millions of people being set out and homeless and flooding shelters,” Barrows said. “That’s apocryphal. You’re hearing that from advocates who have a certain point of view.  It’s hard to characterize this (decision) as a disaster.”

Barrow said a large amount of relief funds remain available to tenants at risk of eviction, and the court would continue to work with tenants and various agencies to try to keep them in their residences.


Barrows is exactly right and he is an example of what every American should be doing with a new round of mandates and rules. We simply cannot comply with illegal orders. The government does not have the legal right to impose almost any of the shutdowns and mandates they’ve demanded, yet Americans have complied for the greater good. Our reward for compliance has been simply more rules and more uncertainty. There is already a lot of protection out there for the weakest among us. It is wrong to burden working, productive Americans with even more regulations that continue to put earners out of pocket. It is wrong to mask small children at school. It is wrong to require a person to put something in their body that they do not want just to participate in public life.

The only way any of this changes is if a large portion of America simply stops complying.

Plan accordingly.



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