Another Example of Union Hypocrisy: Do As We Say, Not As We Do...

On Tuesday, a union filed a petition [5-RC-16629] with the National Labor Relations Board office in Baltimore, Maryland. The purpose of the petition was to have the NLRB conduct a secret-ballot election. The employer in this case happens to be the United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 400, based in Landover, Maryland. The petitioning union is the Federation of Agents and International Representatives. [Yes, sometimes union representatives actually have unions represent them against their exploitive employersthe unions.]


So, you might be asking, what’s the point?

Well, apparently the employer (the United Food & Commercial Workers) has not agreed to card check, despite being a huge supporter of card check.

Another example of another hypocritical union? It sure appears so.


“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


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