Duncan Hunter Throws his Wife Under the Bus for Campaign Finance Fraud

Donald Trump has all the top quality people endorsing him and working for his campaign. One of these is Duncan D. Hunter, Congressman from California’s 50th Congressional district. Shortly after endorsing Trump, it came to light that Hunter had put a seemingly endless list of personal expenses on his campaign’s credit card, including over $1,000 in video game purchases, personal travel, tuition to his kids’ school, plastic surgery, etc.


Using campaign funds for personal expenses is of course illegal, and the FEC is not amused. The hot water has gotten so deep that Hunter was forced to cut short a trip to Israel and fly back home to deal with the crisis.

The classiest thing about this whole episode is how Hunter is not-very-subtly throwing his wife under the bus here:

Rep. Duncan Hunter — whose spending of campaign funds on video games made national news this week — said on Thursday that he’s cutting short a trip to Israel to return to the United States and rectify that problem and several other mistakes.

“There was no taxpayer money involved, and I take full responsibility,” Hunter, R-Alpine, said by telephone from his trip. “That’s it. I’m going to pay everything back by tomorrow morning, with interest.”

Hunter said he and his wife were the only two holders of his campaign’s credit card, which incurred most of the expenses. As of Thursday morning, he said, he is now the only card-holder.


Look, I don’t know how things work in Duncan Hunter’s household, but if over $1,000 in video game charges showed up on my credit card, my wife would not be the first place people would look. Classy move here by Hunter nonetheless.


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