Donald Trump Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine

Lawfare is the lamest and most destructive form of bullying there is. For people with enough money and ready access to lawyers, litigation is easy to file, virtually cost-free, and tremendously cathartic besides. However, for ordinary people, the cost of defending against even frivolous litigation (which is pretty much the only kind that Trump files) can be absolutely ruinous financially, and an enormous drain on time and energy.


So people like Donald Trump go around using the power of the court to intimidate and silence little people (and even medium-sized people) into silence because there aren’t many people who are willing to risk financial ruin (even if they win) just to make a point about Donald Trump.

That’s why, of all the things Donald Trump has said on the campaign trail, the thing I found most disturbing was his desire to rewrite the First Amendment so that he could sue journalists who write unfavorable stories about him. The man is more totalitarian in his instincts than Putin.

Anyway, Cheri Jacobus has decided to give Trump a taste of his own medicine:

The suit, brought in New York County by communications strategist Cheri Jacobus, seeks $4 million in damages as well as unspecified punitive damages and court costs. It alleges that Trump and campaign manager Corey Lewandowski falsely and knowingly impugned her professional reputation in retaliation for her criticisms of Trump’s performance as a candidate.

For normal people, I would never suggest lawfare as a tactic, no matter how odious they are. But Trump is one of its most notorious practitioners. He also is a serial liar on Twitter about everyone and everything, telling demonstrable lies and falsehoods about countless people. People who do what sensible folks do when a clown like Trump lies about them – laugh and move on with their life.


But maybe that should end. Maybe Trump should have to start paying a price for rattling off roughly 71 lies an hour. Maybe he ought to get hit in the pocket book so often that he actually stops to think before siccing his drooling minions on people. Because that might well be the only thing that could work on Trump.


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