New San Francisco District Attorney Is Creating a Criminal Justice System 'Earthquake'

One-on-One with New SF DA Brooke Jenkins. Screenshot credit: NBC News Bay Area/Twitter video

A San Francisco activist tells Fox News that new San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has created a criminal justice system “earthquake.”

Richie Greenberg, the founder of the recall Chesa Boudin campaign, said:


“There’s going to be a fundamental change … We are undergoing an earthquake here in the criminal justice system.”

Jenkins previously served as an assistant DA from 2014 to 2021. However, she resigned as assistant DA in October 2021, noting “mounting dissatisfaction with the direction of the office.”

After voters booted out Chesa Boudin and rejected his far-left approach, Jenkins was appointed as DA by San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

Greenberg told Fox News:

“There is going to be a period of time now under the new DA, Brooke Jenkins, to have to rebuild confidence in the prosecutor’s office with the voters, with San Franciscans, with business leaders here, with business owners, and also the tourists.”

Following Boudin’s destruction and his far-left approach of allowing criminals out early, which was a direct threat to law-abiding, ordinary citizens, Jenkins will need to rebuild the trust of residents, but as long as she continues her tough-on-crime approach, she will gain the residents’ trust fairly quickly.


Greenberg spoke about the homelessness and drug issues:

“We all look forward to now cleaning this up … Brooke Jenkins is talking about dealing with the drug dealers that lead to this kind of pockets of drug dens that are scattered around San Francisco.”

“We have all been greatly affected by having these criminals running rampant on the streets here with almost impunity.”

Although Jenkins considers herself a progressive prosecutor, she has common sense and knows that criminals must be behind bars and serve their full prison sentence to have safe communities.

Greenberg continues:

“We all have hope now that Brooke Jenkins is going to come through with her promise to deal with the drug dealers and to help eradicate this kind of scenes that are repeated over and over again throughout parts of the city that have gone unabated, that have been caused by Gascon and former DA Chesa Boudin.”


As we reported last week, Jenkins fired 16 employees during her first week as DA and left the far-left in shambles. She said:

“Difficult, but important changes to my management team and staff that will help advance my vision to restore a sense of safety in San Francisco by holding serious and repeat offenders accountable and implementing smart criminal justice reforms.”

Greenberg concluded by saying:

“By having an actual prosecutor, a competent, strong prosecutor and her team … is going to make a very fundamental change … We all have our fingers crossed.”


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