Do All Black Lives Matter? Snoop Smears 9 Black Conservatives in ‘The Coon Bunch’ Post

Calvin Broadus, Jr., aka "Snoop Dog," arrives for the BET Hip Hop Awards in Atlanta, Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016. (AP Photo/Tami Chappell)
AP featured image
Calvin Broadus, Jr., aka “Snoop Dog,” arrives for the BET Hip Hop Awards in Atlanta, Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016. (AP Photo/Tami Chappell)

Vice President Mike Pence has come under fire by the liberal media several times recently for his refusal to say “Black Lives Matter,” choosing instead to say, “I really believe all lives matter.”


Setting aside whether or not “All Lives Matter” is an inherently “racist” statement — as some on the Left are quick to charge — what about “All Black Lives Matter”? Do they? Do all black lives matter? Or just the lives of blacks on the Left? Do conservative black lives matter, too?

The answer, in a word, is no.

Not in a literal sense, of course — although in today’s crazy world of the radical Left, who knows — but in a “sit down and shut up” kind of way. The reality is, conservative black lives are abhorrent to the Left.

Of course, white liberals can’t come right out and admit it, but when it comes to black liberals, it’s fair game, if not expected. As is the case with conservative women and conservative gays, black conservatives must be disowned and discredited — if not outright destroyed.

As Snoop Dogg sees it, why not toss in a bit of “humor” in the process, and portray nine prominent black conservatives as “The Coon Bunch” — mimicking the style of “The Brady Bunch”?

Snoop posted an Instagram on Monday with “The Coon Bunch” emblazoned across images (black and white, of course)  of Candace Owens, Herman Cain, comedian Terrence K. Williams, Trump-supporter Angela Stanton-King, author David Harris Jr., political speaker Paris Dennard, Pastor Darell C. Scott, YouTube stars The HodgeTwins, and activists Diamond and Silk.


Snoop being Snoop, he included the image of a raccoon — simply, “coon” to many in the south — labeled “Massa.”

Yep, it’s safe to assume that the “lives” of the above nine black conservatives don’t matter as much on Planet Snoopy as do the lives of Black Lives Matter activists and others who believe black Americans have no business refusing to dwell on the liberal plantation.

Count Terrence K. Williams among those not amused by Snoop’s Instagram post, who responded by calling Snoopy out for his past relationship with Donald Trump.

@snoopdogg you use [sic] to hang with President Trump and talk highly of him but we coons???

Imagine, for a nanosecond, the histrionic repercussions on the Left, if a white conservative — even a white liberal — were to come even close to doing the same. But I digress.

Angela Stanton-King, the goddaughter of Alveda King and one of Martin Luther King Jr.’s nieces, who is running against Democrat Rep. John Lewis in Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, was not about to let Snoop slide on his past relationship with Trump, either.


Even right-wing conspiracy-theorist Mark Dice, no stranger to controversy himself, called Snoop a “degenerate” for the smear.

Although Snoop’s controversial post was on Instagram, the image trended on Twitter on Monday, prompting at least one Twitterer to ask the obvious question — given the social media platform’s tendency to pull conservative content — in a flash — it deems “inappropriate” based on Twitter “standards” (politics).

@Twitter — How can you let the decisiveness — pretty sure the guy meant “divisiveness” — on your platform with the “The Coon Bunch” post from @SnoopDogg. This is not helping the country heal on change the systemic racism #StopTheMadness

Should we tell PicketFencePossee that the answer is simple? Let’s.

The reason Twitter — along with Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other social media platforms — didn’t take down Snoop’s image is because the hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds. Period.


To be sure, Snoop was not the first black liberal to go after black conservatives, nor will he be the last. Conservative blacks have long been derisively called uncle Toms, house negroes, and worse.

Black activist Stanley Fritz best explained — justified, in his mind — the racist name-calling of conservative blacks in his online op-ed, House Negroes, Sit Down: Understanding Ben Carson and the League of Uncle Toms/House Negroes, an attack against HUD Secretary Ben Carson for his staunch support of President Donald Trump.

But what is a House Negro (or Uncle Tom)? That’s pretty simple, they are African Americans that put their support behind Trump or other racist white people/institutions. When confronted for their decision, or political stance, they will pander with arguments about “wanting to empower our communities,” or empty words about the “benefits of Republican conservatism.”

If that fails, they will attempt to gaslight or divert with talking points that mention how “Racist the Democratic Party is” (They are). In the fight against white supremacists, many of these deceitful negroes have been allowed to prosper, going unchecked as they walk through our communities with shiny suits, big words, and the garbage known as respectability politics.

Stanley went on to wonder “how these brothers and sisters got so lost,” suggesting that “there are many African-Americans who take on the role of House Negroes to build their bank accounts and brands on the coattails of racism,” but added that  ‘most House Negroes, are people experiencing deep trauma.”


OK, that’s enough of that.

Clearly, it is Stanley and others like him who are “lost” — lost in a long-ago history that they not only refuse to move away from, but continue to use to defend, justify, rationalize, and excuse every action undertaken against so-called “systemic racism” in today’s America.

Incidentally, Malik Zulu Shabazz, former Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, still holds the record, in my book at least, for labeling then-President Barack Obama a “bamboozling buck-dancing Tom.”

Yep, Snoopy ain’t got nothin’ on Malik.


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