Elon Musk Goes Full-Metal Elon Musk in Grand Entrance to Celebrate New Texas Global HQ

Elon Musk (Credit: Tesla News)

Elon Musk. Just admit it. Who wouldn’t want to be this guy? Just for a while, I mean.

Musk has more FU money than God, is a maverick, a tad eccentric, lives life on his own terms, and among his greatest loves is sticking it to the left — hard — at every opportunity. His current effort of course is his acquisition of 9.2 percent of Twitter stock, propelling him to the board of directors of the left-wing Big Tech giant, and driving the left-wing Twittersphere batcrap crazy. And Elon Musk could not enjoy it more.


In typical Musk fashion, as reported by Fox Business, he made a grand entrance to “Cyber Rodeo,” an event to kick off the opening of Tesla’s new Gigafactory and global headquarters in Austin, Texas, on Thursday evening, driving onto the stage in a black roadster, decked out in a cowboy hat and sunglasses, before giving an in-your-face speech that was capped off by a fireworks show. In other words, Musk-style meets Texas-style.

How big was it? Roughly 15,000 people traveled from all over the world to attend the invite-only event at the new headquarters, as Fox noted, which is nearly 4,000 feet long, cost more than $1 billion, and took about two years to build. “It wasn’t easy building this incredible asset, this humongous building, and getting all this equipment here,” Musk said. “We went through a deep freeze, rain, quicksand. Incredibly fast build. It was very difficult but it’s done.”

Musk went full-metal Musk, right out of the chute (rodeo pun intended):

I’m not going to spill all the beans right now, but what I can say, what I can say is we’re going to move to just truly massive scale that no company has ever achieved in the history of humanity.


And how massive is massive, in Musk’s mind? Via CNBC:

“In trailing twelve months, we’ve delivered over a million cars worldwide,” Musk said. “There’s still a long way to go.”

Tesla vehicles comprise more than 75% of all fully electric cars sold in the US today, according to research by AutoForecast Solutions, with fully electric vehicles comprising about 4% of all new vehicle sales domestically.

So Why Austin? As transcribed by Fox:

Why Austin? Well actually, I asked the Tesla team, because California is great, and we’re continuing to expand in California, but we ran out of room. We need a place where we can be really big and there’s no place like Texas.”

No place like Texas, for sure. And as I suggested at the top, there’s also no place like Twitter for Elon Musk.

As reported by The New York Post, in addition to tweaking the crap out of the liberal-ass Twittersphere, Musk will also attempt to calm anxious Twitter staffers at an “ask me anything”-style town hall — just days after his appointment to the company’s board caused an internal meltdown.

Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal revealed the unusual plan in a companywide email to employees just days after Musk became the company’s largest individual shareholder with a 9% stake.

Musk’s investment drew sharp criticism from some Twitter employees who have questioned whether the Tesla CEO’s brash persona will hurt the company’s culture or affect their day-to-day jobs.


Agrawal — no doubt incensed by Musk’s massive acquisition, making him Twitter’s largest shareholder, said in a tweet, as transcribed by The Post:

We say that Twitter is what’s happening and what people are talking about right now. Often, we [at] Twitter are what’s happening and what people are talking about. That has certainly been the case this week.

Following our board announcement, many of you have had different types of questions about Elon Musk, and I want to welcome you to ask those questions to him.

Man, I’d do pay-per-view in a heartbeat to watch those festivities and I’d buy the popcorn for one and all.

The bottom line:

While Elon Musk is hardly a conservative —he “would prefer to stay out of politics,” he has told his legions of followers — he’s been all over the political spectrum, routinely criticizing Biden, including over Mumbles Joe’s staunch support for organized labor, has backed both Democrat and Republican candidates, and — the cardinal sin of cardinal sins — has also criticized Donald Trump.

In a September 2021 tweet to CNBC, Musk said: “In general, I believe government should rarely impose its will upon the people, and, when doing so, should aspire to maximize their cumulative happiness.”

Having said all of the above, Elon Musk not only makes waves when he believes waves should be made; he also puts his money where his mouth is — a bunch of it — a damn good thing for public discourse in these crazy-train times. Unlike the Democrat Party, which preaches “tolerance” and inclusion” yet practices anything but, it seems to me it behooves conservatives to embrace the newest cowboy in Texas.


Here’s Musk’s full 25-minute speech, delivered to a raucous crowd from the outset.


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