Left-Wing Magazine Ridiculously Equates Outlawing Abortion With Slavery

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

In this episode of “Creative Desperation”…

As both sides of the pitched abortion debate anxiously await a likely Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, not unlike Captain Ahab and the crew of the Pequod nervously waiting for Moby Dick to surface in the movie’s finale, abortion activists continue to create more and more ridiculous comparisons to making on-demand abortion illegal — or severely restricting it — that I’m not sure most of them believe.


Hence, the following example.

As reported by The Blaze, Ms. Magazine dropped an op-ed in which it pushed the preposterous argument that overturning Roe would be a violation of the 13th Amendment (thus, unconstitutional) because “outlawing” abortion — which overturning Roe would not do — by forcing women into… wait for it… “involuntary labor.” I assume Ms. Magazine was not clever enough to intend a pun, but how awesome.

So let’s get into the silly business of SCOTUS overturning Roe being a 13th Amendment violation, as seen through the abortion activist mind of Ms. Magazine contributing editor, Carrie Baker, also a women and gender studies professor at Smith College, who flatly declared:

This is a violation of the 13th Amendment,” as she argued that “pregnancy, labor, and childbirth” should be interpreted merely as “difficult forms of work. (In case I forget to say it later, these people are heartless.)

Baker then ran through all of the awful “side effects” of pregnancy.

Pregnancy, labor and childbirth are difficult forms of work. Pregnancy causes nausea, fatigue, tender and swollen breasts, constipation, body aches, dizziness, sleep problems, heartburn and indigestion, hemorrhoids, itching, leg cramps, numb or tingling hands, swelling, urinary frequency or leaking, varicose veins—and many more deeply invasive and painful experiences.


Horrid? Wait — there’s more.

Pregnancy takes over the entire body, affecting the cardiovascular system, kidneys, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, skin, hormones, liver, and metabolism. It increases blood volume by about 50 percent and depletes calcium from the bones, decreasing bone density. Risks of pregnancy include high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, anemia, depression, infection, and death.

It gets “better.”

“To force these experiences on an unwilling person is a form of involuntary servitude,” Baker continued, given the “side effects.” This is none of my business, of course, because I’m not a woman </sarcasm>, although I have not confirmed that conclusion with a biologist, but how ’bout these “unwilling persons” try practicing a bit more “unwillingness” earlier in the process?

Finally, Ms. Baker went so far as to compare “forcing someone to continue their pregnancy” to “bodily assault” and even “rape,” adding that outlawing on-demand abortion would have “surprisingly similar dynamics to domestic violence and sexual assault.”

So, how do you argue with debate these people? In my not-so-humble opinion, you don’t. It’s the old axiom: Never wrestle with a pig in the mud. You both get dirty, and the pig loves every minute of it.


So what do you do?

You counter the left’s lies and misrepresentations in the court of public opinion. You vote for and elect politicians who don’t believe killing an unborn child is an “essential health care service,” as does Joe Biden. Or “devout Catholics” like Nancy Pelosi who refer to late-term abortion as “sacred ground.”

The bottom line:

Ending the life of a healthy, unborn child is not “women’s health care.”

“Keep your hands off my body” is ridiculous jargon; protecting the lives of unborn children has zero to do with “your” damn body.

Of course, men have a right to fight against abortion; this is a battle against killing unborn children, not “women’s rights.”

If you disagree with any or all of the above, take it somewhere else — I don’t care.


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