
New National Poll: Strong Majority of Americans Support Pro-Life Laws That Limit Abortions

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

It's been nearly 19 months since the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Mississippi abortion case, which formally overturned the court's 1973 ruling on Roe v. Wade. Yet, the hyperpartisan abortion issue is as hot as ever — at least.

From one extreme — left-wingers who support on-demand abortion right up to the would-be moment of birth — to the other — staunch conservatives who oppose abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest — multiple opinions abound.  

A new national poll conducted by Marist University now finds, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, that two-thirds of Americans support pro-life laws that place limits on abortions.

[The] survey of 1,371 adults was conducted January 8th through January 9th, 2024 by the Marist Poll sponsored in partnership with the Knights of Columbus. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the United States were contacted through a multi-mode design: by phone using live interviewers, by text, or online. 

Survey questions were available in English or Spanish. Phone and online samples were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its adult population. The samples were then combined and balanced to reflect the 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates for age, gender, income, race, and region. 


It should be noted that although you may not see results listed fora certain group, it does not mean interviews were not completed with those individuals. It simply means the sample size is too small to report. The error margin was adjusted for sample weights andincreases for cross-tabulations.

The poll also finds that nearly six in 10 Americans support limiting abortions during the first three months of pregnancy.

Additionally, 83 percent of respondents strongly favor pregnancy resource centers, which offer support to mothers both during and after their pregnancy. 

Finally, two-thirds of Americans believe — and this is key — that healthcare professionals who oppose abortions for religious reasons should not be legally required to perform them. 

Dr. Barbara L. Carvalho, director of the Marist Poll, says most Americans are steadfast in their views on abortion.

Once again, most Americans are steadfast in their belief that abortion should be significantly limited yet laws should include exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. This clear trend found in the annual Knights of Columbus-Marist Poll has continued, nearly two years after the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs decision.

Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly echoing Carvalo's comments, also points out how his organization supports its pro-life mission. 

I’m very proud that our Knights across the U.S. and Canada have raised more than $7 million to support these vital centers through our ASAP, or Aid and Support After Pregnancy program. Knights have also funded the purchase of over 1,790 ultrasounds, empowering an estimated 1.5 million mothers to see their unborn babies. The Knights of Columbus will continue to work tirelessly in our mission until abortion becomes unthinkable.

Pretty conclusive, right? 

The Bottom Line

The Democrat Party and its sock-puppet media would have us believe that only "right-wing extremists" support limits on abortion, oppose a woman's so-called right to make decisions about her body, and are wildly out of touch with the majority of everyday Americans.

Huh. Go figure.


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