Water Cooler 3/9/2018 Open Thread - California Wins Some, Loses Some

TGIF RedStaters, and welcome to Friday’s Water Cooler, always an Open Thread!

California News – Personal Profiles.  Some Winners

Denice Miracle, an American Airlines ticket agent in Sacramento, saw something and said something, saving two incredibly naive teenage girls from certain horrors at the end of their flight to New York to “perform in a Music Video”.


The two gullible teens didn’t seem to realize just how close they came to tragedy. According the deputy Sanderson, “They were somewhat flippant about [it],” Sanderson said. [“They said] ‘No, that can’t be true’ — and I said, ‘No, the airline says you have a one-way ticket, and in my belief, you’re going back there not to do the things that you think you were going to be doing.’ And they said, ‘I wouldn’t let anything happen that I didn’t want.’ And I said, ‘Well, you probably wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.’”

Please make sure that your daughters could never fall for this…  Here is the story at The Resurgent.

Granite Bay lost a huge friend and booster this week as John Hooten passed away while rowing on Lake Natoma.   John was a Master Rower and had coached 18 eventual Olympians at Vesper Boathouse in Philadelphia before coming to the Granite Bay community in the Sacramento area of California.  In Granite Bay he was a 21-year Scoutmaster.  Under his tenure Troop 121 had seen an incredible one third attainment of Eagle Scout rank versus a 5% rate nationally.  He coached the Johnson Ranch Barracudas swim team.  John had a very generous heart and spent so much of his time working to lift others up.  What a great example to follow.

Read more at The Press Tribune,  or the Sacramento Bee.


And Some Losers

By now you have heard of Libby Schaaf, mayor of Oakland, who decided to issue a warning of an impending ICE raid to the illegals in her “sanctuary”.  I am as much a Federalist as the next guy, but if you were to fight the federal government you would do better to at least start clawing back states’ rights that are NOT one of the few explicitly granted to the federal government in the US Constitution.  I hope that charges are brought against her for this stunt.

Jerry Brown and Xavier Becerra a dual award as articulated here by Rep. Darrell Issa:

This is making my state less safe. And shame on my governor. Shame on my attorney general…

The full article here at Fox News.

What do you think?

Any California personalities and performances that you would like to highlight from this week?  What else is on your mind?



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