Annnd that is the sound of the California #Obamacare exchange going down in flames.

Via RNC Research comes this oopsie:


That’s a clip on KNTV. Basically, it reports that the California Obamacare exchanges will be taken offline this evening so that Covered California can fix the problem that’s keeping people from… enrolling in the California Obamacare exchanges. Mind you, they’re claiming that the site will be ready again on October 3rd… then again, they also claimed that it’d be ready on October 1st. Several different times, in fact.


Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: I know that there are some people out there who are outrageously outraged that other people are being so vulgar as to actually hold this administration accountable for the grandiose promises that it’s made.  To which I reply: don’t let your ego write checks that your body can’t cash.


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