My take on the Fox Debate.


In alphabetical order:

  • Jeb Bush is a bit looser, a bit more comfortable. Can’t imagine why…
  • …Dr. Ben Carson is a very nice man and possibly too good a person to run for President.
  • Chris Christie has the right instincts – go whale on Hillary Clinton – but I don’t know if he’s making the sale here generally.
  • Ted Cruz is a little uneven; I think he may have prepped for a slightly different debate than the one we’re having. But he also was willing to tell Iowans to their faces that yeah, he wants to get rid of ethanol mandates.
  • John Kasich is very helpful. No, really: I need to go get a soda from time to time.
  • Rand Paul is far more libertarian than I am, but it’s useful to have him there on the stage to actually, you know, talk about the libertarian stuff that an entire wing of the GOP believes in.
  • Marco Rubio is taking shots, but shrugging them off.

All in all, this Fox debate was a breath of fresh air, folks.  This is what I wanted in the first place.  This is the debate that I and you earned. And I enjoyed it!  – Even the bits with Kasich.

Moe Lane


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