Watch the Stampede: Dem Convention Officials Tell Reporters to 'Hurry Outside' to See Fireworks

Democratic National Convention via AP
AP featured image
In this image from video, Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, speaks after the roll call vote during the second night of the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2020. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

There’s no question that most of the national media is in the tank for Joe Biden.

We saw that revealed in a moment of honesty from CNN’s Van Jones, when he said that however he did in his speech that media would have praised it anyway. While we may know that, it’s not something you generally hear them admitting. Needless to say, Jones’ words didn’t make host Anderson Cooper happy with the look he head on his face.

But there was another moment that revealed what cattle media can be at the command of the Democrats. hurry outside after Biden concluded his speech or they risked missing his fireworks event. So they did.



This is more than a little embarrassing with the media looking like lapdogs who run at the command of Biden.

It reminded people of this moment:

Wouldn’t that have been the time to try to ask Biden questions or talk to him after his speech? You know, that job that journalists are supposed to do?


Not to mention all the lack of social distancing there. Chalk up more evidence that people can get out and vote. It also was a little discordant that many of the rest of us weren’t allowed to have official fireworks demonstrations because of the Wuhan coronavirus, but suddenly here’s one for Biden?

Though the parts of the convention were held in Wisconsin, the fireworks and Biden’s speech were not. But Biden never went to Wisconsin so one has to ask why? Perhaps this is the reason why. By not going, he never had an unguarded moment, he was never asked a question by a reporter.

But that means he is also following in the failed tradition of Hillary Clinton of never really making it to Wisconsin, despite the fact that that was one of the reasons they chose Wisconsin.

HT: Twitchy


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