CBS News Stealth Edits Article Promoting Pure Activism Against Georgia Election Law

AP Photo/Ben Gray

I wrote earlier about a disturbing CBS News tweet and article where they actively encouraged full-on, Democratic activism against the new Georgia election law, as well as other laws they considered to be similar.


They got a lot of backlash for their naked partisanship, and it obviously hit home.

They’ve since deleted the tweet, but we have it here.

They also stealth edited the headline as well. It had been, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia’s restrictive new voting law,” taking an active voice. It was then changed to “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here’s what they’re asking for.” It still listed the actions people could take against the law — and against Republicans who supported it.

But, too late — we already saw it, and they already tipped their hand; it was pure advocacy, not news.

First, the article called on companies to stop making donations to the two Republicans who cosponsored the legislation. Second, it told companies to “spread awareness” by urging company to launch ad campaigns against such laws, not only in Georgia but elsewhere such as in Arizona or Texas, which might be considering similar laws. Third, it encouraged companies to “fight for federal law.” In other words, what amounts to a federal takeover of election laws to install the Democrat desires all across the country — whether individual states want them or not — with the ‘For the People Act,’ which is as far from ‘for the people’ as anything could be.


We also wrote today about how CBS News’ “60 Minutes” deceptively edited a clip of Ron DeSantis to make him look bad, leaving out the explanation he gave to a ‘pay for play’ question and implying they had somehow debunked what he said.

Time to hold them accountable for these kind of actions and discourage this partisanship.

HT: Twitchy

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