Marine Commander Who Demanded Accountability on Afghanistan Resigns Commission, Plans to Bring 'System Down'

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

I previously covered how Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was relieved of duty after he demanded military leadership show some accountability when it came to the grievously bad decisions made in Afghanistan. He spoke out, knowing it might have that consequence of him being relieved. He particularly pointed out the bad decision of not retaining Bagram Air Base to help with the evacuation.


As we reported earlier today, he said that “The baby boomers’ turn is over. I demand accountability, at all levels. If we don’t get it, I’m bringing it.”

He clearly doesn’t think the military leadership is owning up yet, so now, he’s gone a step further. He said that he will be resigning his commission, at 17 years, short of his 20 years which would vest his pension and benefits. This is an incredible sacrifice, giving up a lot of the security that he’s earned through his service — to be honorable, to put everything on the line to push for accountability, that if no one else stands for it, at least he will.

He takes them apart in a new video.

From Breitbart:

I want to make the announcement today. After 17 years, I currently not pending legal action and I can stay in the Marine Corps for another three years, but I don’t think that’s the path I’m on. I’m resigning my commission as a United States Marine effective now. I’m sure there’s some more admin on how I’m supposed to do that and I’ll work through that. But I have forfeiting my retirement all entitlements. I don’t want a single dollar. I don’t want any money from the VA.

I don’t want any VA benefits. I’m sure I’m entitled to a hundred percent. I, you know, breathe on the smell and smoke of burning shit for years. I don’t want any of it. All I asked for was accountability of my senior leaders. When there are clear, obvious mistakes that were made, I’m not saying we can take back what has been done. All I asked for was accountability for people to comment on what I said and to say, ‘Yes, some mistakes were made and had they done that. I wouldn’t have gone back into rank and file, submitted and accomplished what I wanted the morning after I posted my video and I came into work, my boss came in and he asked me, ‘What were you trying to accomplish?’

And that was a very tough question for me. And my response was I want senior leaders to accept accountability. I think them accepting accountability would do more for service members and PTSD and struggling with purpose than any other transparent piece of paper or message. And I haven’t received that. For the over $2 million that I would potentially receive in retirement for the rest of my life, for the however much extra the disability would be, I think that money should go back to all the senior general officers, because I think they need it more than I do because when I am done with what I’m about to do, you all are going to need the jobs and the security.


“We will bring the whole f**ing system down. I am honorable. You can ask any Marine who served with me for 17 years,” Scheller said. “I dare you to ask them all and find out what I’m made of. We’re just getting started.”

Will any of the leadership show even half as much character as this brave man? So far they have not even come close to measuring up.


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