Biden Now Considering Climate Move That Will Devastate Country

Joe Biden has claimed that he’s doing everything he can to bring down the price of gas. That, of course, is a lie since this all started because of him putting his foot on the neck of the energy industry. Biden and his administration have also made it clear that the pain is the point — that the most important thing is the Democrats’ climate mantra and the transition away from fossil fuels, whether or not that’s even something that Americans want and however it might hurt Americans.


But if you thought they already were trying to do everything they could to harm the economy and the country, the Senate Democrats are signaling they want to do even more.

They know they can’t get what they want through Congress because they don’t have the votes and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) dropkicked their dreams, blocking their spending ambitions.

So Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) are now urging Biden to get what they want by declaring a “climate emergency” so that they could then employ the Defense Production Act to force their climate goals on the country through a wide range of renewable projects including solar panels.

The senators called for Biden to use the “bully pulpit.”

“It is time for the Biden administration to pivot to a very aggressive climate strategy,” Merkley said.

Biden said last week that he would take unspecified steps to reduce climate emissions after Democratic Senator Joe Manchin withdrew support for climate legislation that Democrats had hoped to pass before Congress leaves Washington for its August recess. In the evenly divided Senate, Manchin’s support was critical for passage of the legislation, which lacked any Republican backing.

Now the word is coming that Biden is, in fact, considering this.


According to the Washington Post’s Jeff Stein, the White House is weighing “declaring national climate emergency as soon as this week, per sources.”

Biden has already employed the Defense Production Act in an extremely questionable action last month, saying they were utilizing it to produce more solar panels. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about it but wasn’t able to give any reasonable response to how this was justified.

Biden got away with that, without anyone calling him out on the legality of his actions. So now he’s going to go further.

Imposing a party’s political will wasn’t supposed to be the purpose of the Act — it was supposed to be in the case of a genuine emergency, like a war. Not being able to pass legislation to impose what they want isn’t an “emergency.” This is the government interjecting itself and dictating to private industry — to determine what can and cannot be done. This is against the very nature of our country. We’re not a Communist country, the government doesn’t get to do this and impose its will on private business.


The left is already cheering the massive spending they see coming.

They want to kill the energy industry which will do in our country. If Biden does this and gets away with it, they will continue employing this to impose other “emergencies” and commandeer private industry.

Manchin tried to save the country, but Biden and other Democrats are bent on killing us. They have to be removed from power in November if we are to survive.


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