Feinstein Finally Makes Her Announcement, but Even That Was Confusing

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, file)

There’s been a lot of speculation about whether Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was going to run again for her seat. She’s 89 years old and a lot of folks on the left have been pushing behind the scenes to have her not run and replace her with a younger person.


It looks like the pushing may have paid off because Feinstein just made her announcement.

“I am announcing today I will not run for reelection in 2024 but intend to accomplish as much for California as I can through the end of next year when my term ends,” Feinstein said in a statement posted Tuesday afternoon. [….]

Focusing on the remaining months of her decades-long career that began before this writer was born, Feinstein insisted that, despite “a divided Congress, we can still pass bills that will improve lives. Each of us was sent here to solve problems. That’s what I’ve done for the last 30 years, and that’s what I plan to do for the next two years,” she said. My thanks to the people of California for allowing me to serve them.”

Feinstein has served in her seat for 30 years — since 1992. Many were concerned about cognitive issues, with trouble remembering meetings and conversations.

The New York Times reported in 2022 that “Ms. Feinstein sometimes struggles to recall the names of colleagues, frequently has little recollection of meetings or telephone conversations, and at times walks around in a state of befuddlement — including about why she is increasingly dogged by questions about whether she is fit to serve in the Senate representing the 40 million residents of California, according to half a dozen lawmakers and aides who spoke about the situation on the condition of anonymity.”


They’ll be honest about her issues now, but not those of Joe Biden because they want to have her out and replace her but apparently want to try to hold onto power with Biden.

But what was confusing is that she didn’t seem to know her statement had been put out when she was asked, although she did then say she should have known they were putting it out.

But that’s why it’s long past time she packed it in. But now prepare for the scramble of all the folks trying to grab her seat. Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) has already said that she’s going to run for it, as has Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) has said she was waiting on Feinstein’s decision. I previously had a good laugh at how Joe Biden ignored Adam Schiff after his State of the Union address when Schiff was trying to butter him up, likely hoping for his endorsement for Feinstein’s seat. While Schiff will certainly have some support, he faces a tough fight with Katie Porter since she’s a favorite of a lot of the progressives.



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