Sunny Hostin Is in the Running for 'Worst Hamas Take,' Equating the Terrorist Group With the Proud Boys

Sunny Hostin equates Hamas with the Proud Boys, claims they're a terrorist organization. (Credit: The View)

We've seen a lot of bad reactions from the left when it comes to the Israeli-Hamas war. 

But the reaction from Sunny Hostin of "The View" has to be right up there on the hit parade of truly bad takes. 


Now, since she's on "The View" -- the home of the bad takes -- it's more a question if they ever say anything right. They're right up there with MSNBC for bad takes, and that network just took a hit in the ratings for their bad takes on the war. 

But the group was talking about the fighting, and Hostin tried to do that thing some on the left are doing — equate the two sides. She spoke about Israel's response, suggesting that it could be a "war crime."

No, Sunny, Israel was viciously attacked. They have a right to defend themselves, and responding to terrorists is not terrorism. 

But Hostin showed she has a clear problem understanding what terrorism is when she astonishingly equated Hamas to the Proud Boys. 

Wow, it's hard to have your train jump the tracks that hard, but Hostin managed to do it. How do you say something so silly? She's just showing she's not a serious person with this kind of stuff. 

Last time I checked, the Proud Boys hadn't massacred hundreds, abducted women and children, beheaded people, or burned them alive. I think there's just a small bit of a difference. Mostly what they do is tangle with Antifa. But of course, in the Democrat world, Antifa aren't terrorists even if they attacked federal buildings for months and set things on fire. I'm not even sure that "The View" hosts even understand that Antifa exists. 


Also, Hostin is not just doing a ridiculously bad take; she's also wrong. The Proud Boys are not designated a terror organization in the United States. But hey, if you don't even know what a terrorist is, why should you get that fact right, either, right? 

She continued saying that Israel's response could be a war crime if it was retaliation against "innocent civilians collectively" and tried to compare them to Russia attacking Ukraine. 

Ana Navarro said that under the circumstances, saying give us back our people that you kidnapped and we'll turn on the water and the power was a pretty reasonable demand, but Hostin termed it "collective" punishment. 


Hostin got a very well-deserved ratio for that hot take. 


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