
Megyn Kelly and Riley Gaines Tag Team to Blast Horrible Post by NOW on Trans Women

AP Photo/Hannah Schoenbaum

Women want to have fair competition in sports, where they truly have an equal opportunity against each other. So you would think that the National Organization for Women would be supporting that, right? 

Instead, they put up a post on X that got a lot of people talking, and got responses from some big names - as well as a Community Note for good measure. 

Repeat after us: Weaponizing womenhood against other women is white supremacist patriarchy at work. Making people believe there isn't enough space for trans women in sports is white supremacist patriarchy at work.

At some point after it went live, the post earned a Community Note, although it seems to have gone away now. But they got ratioed into next week from many women on the post. 

Among the many responses were Megyn Kelly and Riley Gaines. 

Kelly's response didn't hold back. 

Warning for graphic language:

"Hey @NationalNOW - you don’t stand for us, understand us, care about us or speak for us. Go F yourselves," Kelly declared. 

Riley Gaines called them out for turning off comments. 

Gets community noted and turns off comments. Of course they did. This is the standard for ideologically captured organizations like NOW. The National Organization of Women hates women

Indeed. It means they know they're going to get a ton of replies they aren't going to like and they don't want to deal with them. But then, they're not dealing with what a lot of women are saying to them. I know it's a radical idea, but maybe when you're the "National Organization for Women," you maybe should listen to what so many women are trying to say to you. Just a thought.  

Gaines also pointed out that their post seemed to be smearing her personally as a white supremacist since it had a picture of her attached to their post. 

I've never seen so many oppression buzzwords in one sentence. Apparently, advocating for fair sport makes me a white supremacist. I wonder if my attorney will agree.(in case you were wondering, NOW stands for National Organization of Women lol)

I'm not sure how race comes into it when you're talking about protecting women's rights and their own spaces in sports. But for those on the left and those who espouse thoughts like this, they want to make everything about race even when it is not. It's a way of using race like a cudgel. Frankly, that cheapens the term "white supremacy" when people make everything they disagree with or don't like "white supremacy" when it has nothing to do with race. 

I also don't get how standing up for women for fair competition is helping the "patriarchy." Indeed, it seems it would be the opposite. Many of those women that NOW didn't want to listen to pointed out how allowing biological men to compete against women and into women's spaces, and telling women to be quiet about it or attacking them for it, looked a lot more like the "patriarchy." 

As Gaines said, it was as though they were trying to put as many buzzwords as they could in the post, whether they made sense or not. Gaines teased talking with her attorney so NOW may find they are facing some legal consequences for their post as well. They may want to rethink that thought. 


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