CountryTime Lemonade Takes Action Involving Dangerous Lemonade Stand Thugs

Cooper Jacobs tries to attract motorist's to his family's lemonade stand Thursday, May 18, 2017, in Freeport, Maine. Cool drinks were in great demand throughout southern Maine where record-breaking temperatures climbed into the mid-90s. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
(AP Photo/Brian Melley)

Last summer in the U.K. a 5-year-old- girl was hit with a $200 fine for not having an operating license for her lemonade stand. Similar stories have popped up in the United States over the years, which has led many to realize local government bureaucracies and licensing can get out-of-hand.


Well, CountryTime lemonade — a Kraft Heinz brand — is coming to the rescue in 2018 as they launch their LegalAde program in which they promise to help any entrepreneurial kid who runs into the law or is slapped with a fine. CountryTime has even promised to pay those fines and accurately calls out the laws for being “arcane.”

Be sure to click on the tweet because the attached video — which doesn’t show here — is great.


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