The Discarded American

(AP Photo/Don Ryan)

The primary individual leading a cultural pivot in America’s urban inner cities is someone I have coined “The Discarded American.” He is the self-reliant man, living in the “civil rights” epicenter, who has been castigated and outcast because he identified the caste system of “black culture” and simply rejected it. She is the God-fearing, country-loving mother of two living in the suburbs trying to raise her bi-racial kids after her husband paid the ultimate price in defense of our great country, and who is dealing with the anti-American bigots who persecute her because of her ethnic features. 


He is the dedicated veteran who is accused of being racist or a “white supremacist” because he repudiates Marxist propaganda. She is the professional, single woman living in the “big city” who is told that she must compromise her morals to fit a certain political category. He is that rugged, aggressive, and wise 20-something who has seen some of his friends be killed or incarcerated, and is trying to work his way out of the “hood.” 

Collectively, they are Conservative-natured individuals living in urban inner-city communities and are being socially persecuted because they will no longer deal with the moral squalor and untenable living conditions brought on by Democrat leadership.

The Discarded American is sick and tired of dealing with high taxes, high crime, abysmal public schools, and being continuously ostracized for believing that their political freedom will be eradicated if they have to depend on the government for economic and social solutions. Hard-working men and women, living paycheck to paycheck; mothers and fathers, having to bury their children because they have been senselessly murdered by repeat offenders terrorizing their neighborhoods; disgruntled citizens, dealing with academic sabotage because they were limited in choices for which public school they could attend; self-reliant individuals being socially and professionally castigated by “animosity agents” who strive to destroy faith and villainize complexion---such people are the Discarded Americans. 


What’s fascinating though, is these individuals will not trade in the blessings of liberty for the perils of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Discarded Americans are beginning to see the unlimited value in uniting around a belief system based on shared morals, values, and attitudes toward prayer, purpose, and prosperity. They recognize the importance of attributes that strengthen a civilized community and every individual within it, and are creating coalitions of the willing to formulate and implement new methods, tactics, and focus that result in better political representation.

The Discarded American will no longer be subjected to the Marxist propaganda of equal rights without equal responsibilities. He understands that a person needs values, principles, and standards to survive and thrive in America. She believes the trajectory of her professional life is a direct reflection of the quality of her ideas and aspirations. He understands how masculinity is God’s guidance to protect the family. She believes that God is the genesis of life, and family is the genesis of America. 

Collectively, these individuals are becoming fully aware of how communists and Marxists engineer suffering, and are choosing Christ over color, country over constructs, and character over complexion. The Discarded American is initiating a paradigm shift in America’s urban inner cities. While this movement is still developing, modern-day Conservative leaders and stakeholders must communicate to these Discarded Americans that the primary priority of Conservatism is maximizing freedom, and they must emphasize how a culture of prayer, purpose, and prosperity is better for the future of America as opposed to politics, power, and propaganda.



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