Never Trumper Jen Rubin Wants Biden to 'Take Over TODAY' After Speech, Gets Interrupted by Reality Check

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event in Columbia, S.C., Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)


About a week ago, and as Joe Biden’s chances of winning the Democratic presidential nomination were getting noticeably better, Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin got busy leapfrogging right over the primaries and general election to bizarrely advocating for a “Team of Rivals” cabinet for Biden that included failed presidential candidates like Sen. Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg.

Her adoration for Biden has clearly grown stronger over the last week.

The Washington Post’s “conservative” columnist wasn’t impressed at all with President Trump’s Wednesday night address on the Wuhan coronavirus, of course. But as Biden gave his own speech on the virus today, she tweeted and retweeted a play by play, swooning, oohing and ahhing over every word. She was captivated, convinced that every single person watching the speech felt as she did, that Joe Biden should “take over” as president “TODAY”:

There were multiple problems with Rubin’s high praise of Biden’s remarks and believing they sounded unique and presidential, however. Our own Bonchie identified one of them:


This is true, as GOP chair Ronna McDaniel outlined in a lengthy Twitter thread on the issue of the Trump administration’s response to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak yesterday.

Also, Biden’s track record as part of the Obama/Biden administration on responding to dangerous outbreaks is not exactly stellar:

Here are more stats on that.

In addition to that, it sounds an awful lot like Biden was acting as a propagandist for communist China during his speech:

My RedState colleague Nick Arama wrote about this earlier today:

Biden is now walking in step with the Chinese Communist party line by not calling out China for their cover up and suggesting banning travel from an affected area is racist.


Biden has told multiple lies about the situation – that Trump cut the CDC and the NIH (funding actually increased), that Trump was muzzling scientists like Dr. Anthony Fauci (Biden claimed that despite Fauci making public statements on the issue and debunking that Democratic lie) and spreading the lie that Trump called the virus a hoax.

There was also another problem. According to reports at the time, Biden almost caused a panic because of his remarks about the swine flu virus and the Obama administration had to apologize for him.


This is the guy she wants in charge when pandemics emerge? Considering how she endorsed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialistic “emergency measures” for dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus, I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised.


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