Anti-Gun 'Journalist' Mansplains How Abused Women Should Simply 'Call the Police', Dana Loesch Shreds Him


On Thursday the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the so-called Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 and another gun control bill introduced by House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC). Both bills would, among other things, expand background checks on all commercial gun sales, as well as lengthen the waiting period for background checks from 3 to 10 days.


Both bills were met with stiff opposition by most Republicans, including Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who on Wednesday pointed out the hypocrisy of the members of Congress who favored the bills, even though they had the luxury of paid, round-the-clock security and walls around the Capitol building:

“Is it fair to surround yourself with armed guards, with Capitol Police who have guns, with personnel details, bodyguards and ask the people to pay for it while you make it harder for those same people to protect themselves? I don’t think that’s fair,” Massie said.

Massie also argued on the House floor that making it even harder for people to obtain a gun could mean the difference between women in abusive relationships, or who have “summoned up the courage” to leave one, being able to protect themselves and being assaulted or murdered.

This rational, core gun rights argument greatly fauxfended “journalist” Aaron Rupar, who proceeded to mansplain that women in such situations should simply pick up the phone and call the police:


I don’t use the word “mansplain” often, but Rupar’s response was the very definition of the word. What an absolute [word that rhymes with “pick”, but I can’t say it here].

Talk show host Dana Loesch, who is a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment and a former spokeswoman for the NRA, took notice of Rupar’s pathetic, liberal logic and lit him up:

Yours truly got in a few words as well:


The “call the police” argument is one of the most dangerously naïve — not to mention insanely dumb, anti-gun arguments ever. There are many, many potentially violent, deadly situations where seconds count, and in nearly all of them, it will take the police minutes – several, in fact, or maybe much longer, depending on where they are at the time of the 911 call, to get there.

And that’s assuming the abused woman can even get to her phone in the first place.

Massie’s right on the money here. Rupar, on the other hand, well, I’d like to think that reading Carol Browne’s horrific and tragic story would change his mind, but we know that’s not happening – because if there’s one thing the left is good at, it’s staying stuck on stupid no matter how badly their arguments get demonstrably crushed by harsh realities.

Flashback: Rep. AOC Runs Away After Dana Loesch Smashes Her ‘Defund the Police’ Argument


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