Moore to the Point - The Incompetence Reduction Act

Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, August 8th. Audio included below.

Congress is in the process of passing the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” which, according to a multitude of experts will do little – if anything – to actually, you know, reduce inflation — and may very well add to the problem, placing us at a dangerous crossroads.


The vote in the Senate to proceed required a tie-breaker from VP Kamala Harris – a stark reminder of why Republicans winning back the Senate in November is critical.

Key to its passage was West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin’s determination that, in spite of his prior, clearly expressed reservations regarding another spending bill in the face of raging inflation, now it was all good, compliments of an Orwellian name change. We won’t speculate about the perks Manchin wrangled out of the deal. In the end, we all pay the price.

What I’d like to know is when Congress is going to get to work on the Incompetence Reduction Act. Just kidding – we know that will be the Fifth of Never. No, folks, the fact of the matter is: Reducing incompetence at all levels of leadership falls squarely on the shoulders of We the People. That’s what elections are for and why vetting candidates thoroughly and then continuing to hold them accountable is imperative.




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