Queer agriculture and the melon of ecstasy

queer agriculture

We live in an interesting age. To say the least. Homosexuals are not only free to cavort where and when they please but they can pretend to be married and have you punished if you don’t go along with the farce. Three people are being married. Fathers are marrying daughters. Surgically changing one’s sex has devolved from something the rich and bizarre did in Sweden to being paid for by the federal government. People are having sex with animals and no one cares.


Having been on the leading edge of the devastation of traditional culture and it’s replacement with a crotch-centric licentiousness that would have left Nero in breathless awe, it isn’t surprising when we see this lecture coming out of Berkeley.QUEERING AGRICULTURE: FOOD SECURITY IN THE NATION’S CAPITAL AND THE CRISES OF REPRODUCTIVE AMERICAN FAMILISM. If abuse of English were terrorism this guy would be on plane to Guantanamo right now. So what, you are asking yourself, could “queer agriculture” possibly look like? Would it involve Astroglide and asparagus? Or would it have something to do with the old Turkish proverb (allegedly apocryphal but who knows…) “A woman for duty / A boy for pleasure / But a melon for ecstasy”?

Let’s look as the lecture description:

So why queer agriculture? This seems like an odd question but becomes more obvious with research and analysis. This talk highlights vital ways queering and trans-ing ideas and practices of agriculture are necessary for more sustainable, sovereign, and equitable food systems for the creatures and systems involved in systemic reproductions that feed humans and other creatures. Since agriculture is literally the backbone of economics, politics, and “civilized” life as we know it, and the manipulation of reproduction and sexuality are a foundation of agriculture, it is absolutely crucial queer and transgender studies begin to deal more seriously with the subject of agriculture. This talk highlights the normative ways that popular culture, food activism, and government regulations have framed sustainable food systems in the United States. By focusing on popular culture representations and government legislation since 9/11, it will become clearer how the growing popularity of sustainable food is laden with anthroheterocentric assumptions of the “good life” coupled with idealized images and ideas of the American farm, and gender, radicalized and normative standards of health, family, and nation.


Questions? Or is your mouth still hanging open?

On one level this is a threat to your ability to control your bladder. It is like a horrible, over the top satire of everything that is wrong with modern academia. Then you have to realize that there are people, influential people, who take this malarkey seriously enough that they let this imbecile lecture at their university. It wasn’t that long ago that Bob Hope joked “I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.” Now that same quip would set of a paroxysm of hatred that would have driven Hope from the entertainment business.

This is what happens is what happens when a society become unmoored from God and from Reason. There are no bounds on conduct. Whatever feels good is becomes permissible.


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