School Shooting Narrowly Averted in Dalton, Georgia

Last Wednesday a student at Dalton (GA) High School found an ominous note on the floor of a classroom mentioning an unspecified threat against the school on Thursday. The students recorded this video (via the Dalton High School Facebook page).


School officials took the threat seriously and planned for additional security tomorrow…but tomorrow turned out to be today.

Dalton Police officers have taken into custody a teacher who allegedly barricaded himself in a classroom and fired a handgun in a classroom at Dalton High School.

Jesse Randal Davidson has been charged with aggravated assault, carrying a weapon on school grounds, terroristic threats, reckless conduct, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime and disrupting a public school.

Police say Davidson brought the gun he used, a snub-nosed .38 revolver, onto campus in his computer case when he arrived this morning. He has not disclosed his motives to investigators.

Davidson, a social studies teacher who has been at the school since 2004, was alone in his room during his planning period, according to police. Around 11:30 a.m. a student tried to get inside and found the door was locked. A principal then tried to open it with a key, which is when Davidson fired through a window.

Police arrived. Davidson was taken into custody. No one was harmed.


His action seems indicative of mental illness of some kind but his supervisors and colleagues could offer no explanation. (His complete profile here.) And as sure as night follows day:

Not sure I agree with the logic but I expect we will be hearing much more of it in the next week or so.


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