The Dishonesty of the Kavanaugh Opposition and the Anti-Gun Movement Caught in One Tweet

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As we grind our way through the first day of the confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, we’ve seen a lot of stuff. Some of it harmless:


Tensions were, however, high enough that Judge Kavanaugh’s children had to be escorted from the hearing room by security personnel.

Then there came this:

Guttenberg is part of the Parkland clique that has been pushing a gun control agenda for the past six months.

There are any number of reasons why Kavanaugh would not have shaken his hand. I wouldn’t have expected him to shake Wayne LaPierre’s hand, either. As it turned out, thanks to the miracle of video, we don’t have to speculate.


At 0:11, you see Kavanaugh begin to stand and Guttenberg enters the frame from the right with left hand extended. Kavanaugh continues to walk away to the left and by 0:15 he begins to turn as Guttenberg closes in on him. At this point, security realizes something is amiss and a security officer enters the frame from the right. At 0:21 Guttenberg leans in to try to shake Kavanaugh’s hand as security comes abreast of him. At no point does Kavanaugh offer to shake hands. He keeps both on the front of his jacket. Then he exits the room.


And here is the monstrously stupid Tommy Christopher trying to make more of it:

Somehow, it seems like the left actually expected Kavanaugh to beg forgiveness of Guttenberg and burn his NRA lifetime membership card (just joking, I don’t know that Kavanaugh is actually an NRA member) in a symbolic act of penance, perhaps before burning the Constitution, too.

Guttenberg’s claim is just as rife with dishonesty as the claims of the rest of the Kavanaugh opponents:


If you think Kavanaugh was under some social obligation to shake hands with a political activist who is trying to defeat his nomination, then you are offended. If you see a political activist engaging in political theater then lying about it to make a partisan point, you saw the same video I did.

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