Major Purveyor of the Russia Hoax Is Now Pushing an Investigation of Joe Biden's Influence Peddling

Over the weekend I opined that the whole non-scandal involving Ukraine would probably wind up hurting Joe Biden rather than President Trump. Other than the facts as they have been explained so far constitute a nothingburger, the whole episode has to be viewed through the lens of electoral politics. While the GOP, outside those folks conserving conservatism while eating sugar coated jelly doughnuts at The Bulwark, has an interest in closing ranks and refusing to let this story get traction, on the other side of the ledger you have Democrat rivals of Joe Biden subtly pushing the corruption story behind the scenes.


In that story I pointed out about how some media personalities are saying that investigating Joe Biden’s business dealings is fair game.


Biden’s camp is trotting out all kinds of “Ukraine experts” to prove that Biden was totally correct in threatening to withhold appropriated funds from Ukraine if they did not leave his son alone, but I don’t think that story is going to stick. Not only are some Democrats in Congress saying the time has come for answers

but now at least one big name in the media is saying that there are unanswered questions:


This is important. Delanian was the go-to guy for Fusion GPS in flogging the Russia Hoax. He’s not a bit player who can be intimidated, he’s has enough of a profile and enough links to the Democrat party that you can bet he’s not going rogue here. If anything, this gives the go ahead to lesser lights to investigate without fear of being cut off from the Mother Ship of mainstream journalism, the Democrat Party.

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