SOTU Aftermath: Kay Granger Introduced a Measure to Rebuke Speaker Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi showed YUUUGE disrespect after the President finished the State of the Union (SOTU) address on Tuesday night by carefully staging her ripping up of her official copy of the speech. The political fallout continues, as House Republicans were pushing to censor the House Speaker for her childish lack of decorum, but the effort was voted down along party lines on Thursday. Other Republican efforts are underway, including Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) filing of a request that the House Ethics Committee look into the matter and also Kay Granger’s (R-TX) measure that was introduced to rebuke Pelosi for what transpired after the SOTU address.


Granger was interviewed on Fox News Channel by Charles Payne. Here is some of the Q&A:

Payne: Knowing what the vote count would be ahead of time, what was the main message that you were trying to achieve today?

Granger: I was trying to say that the SOTU address was a tradition where the President gets to speak to the nation, and there has been a sense of respect for the President regardless of the partisanship [in the past], and I saw that shattered yesterday. I think it’s a very sad thing. I thought that the Speaker of the House who ripped up that speech … after the President had honored some people that honored out country over the years.

Payne: It was something of a disappointment to a lot of apolitical types – to folks that don’t follow DC all the time but tune in for something big like the SOTU address – to see congressional leaders sit on their hands when that Tuskegee airman – now 100 years old and now a brigadier general – stands up, and we don’t salute his service. Or we see a young girl who now knows she can go to a school and maybe the idea of never having to work for minimum wage may never be in her vocabulary, or all the other wonderful beautiful things that we say. Many say that when Speaker Pelosi ripped that speech, she was actually ripping them and ripping their achievements as well.

Granger: That’s exactly what I thought, and that’s why I brought a privileged resolution to the House for a vote to say that she misused her time and was disrespectful.

Payne: Where do we go from here? The talk right now is divisiveness, and it’s gotten worse, not that anyone thought it could. Interestingly enough, there was a Gallup poll out this week that shows the approval of the President at an all-time high, but Democrats approval at such a low that this is the widest gulf in the history of this country, of Democrats and Republicans. Can that be repaired?

Granger: I hope it can be repaired because we all lost that way. The President’s polling is very, very high because he’s doing what he said he would do. Welfare rolls are lower, wages are higher. It’s a good time, economically. It’s a time when we should celebrate that, and I think that was what was lost Tuesday night during that ceremony.

Payne: We want to celebrate it, but we also have some issues in this country and why we elect folks to go to DC, hash it out, get over their personal animosities, and get something done, and at this point, we may squander this amazing opportunity while this economy is on fire to get some other things done.

Granger: And that would be a shame, and I certainly hope that’s not what happens. I would hope that we can work together as many of us do work together, but situations like this – it was so public, and the disrespect was so obvious – that that set us back some. All of us want to get our work done, and report back to our districts what we’ve done, and how we’re using this good economy {to get things done].


End of the interview. Rep. Granger is a dispassionate moderate and not an uber partisan, but even she was appalled by the Speaker’s actions Tuesday night. For her to introduce that privileged resolution spoke volumes about the outrage felt in the Republican caucus toward the Speaker. This isn’t over yet.

The end.


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