Senator Marco Rubio: Trump is Going to Have to Give Answers About His Business With Cuba

Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. listens on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 28, 2016, as Special Presidential Envoy Brett McGurk, the U.S. representative to the anti-Islamic State coalition, testified before the committee. (AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke)

After a Newsweek report that shed light on Trump’s illegal business with Castro’s Communist Cuba in 1988, Florida Senator, and former rival for the GOP nomination, Marco Rubio is expressing some concerns.


“I hope the Trump campaign is going to come forward and answer some questions about this, because if what the article says is true — and I’m not saying it is, we don’t know with a hundred percent certainty — I’d be deeply concerned about it, I would,” Rubio said on ESPN/ABC’s “Capital Games” podcast Thursday, according to ABC News.

“This is something they’re going to have to give a response to. I mean, it was a violation of American law, if that’s how it happened.”

More and more, Republican lawmakers are having buyer’s remorse. The horror of a Trump candidacy is becoming ever more vivid, as November draws near. This is a turd that will not be shined.

Many of us said that he would write the attack ads for Hillary’s camp, right by himself, and this is no different, as Clinton operatives took the opportunity to pounce on the news.

“Trump’s business with Cuba appears to have broken the law, flouted U.S. foreign policy and is a complete contradiction to Trump’s own repeated, public statements that he had been offered opportunities to invest in Cuba but passed them up,” adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement.

“This latest report shows once again that Trump will always put his own business ahead of the national interest — and has no trouble lying about it.”

No. He absolutely does not.

That being said, Democrats shouldn’t speak so loudly. It was one of their own, President Obama, who has, of late, opened up relations between the U.S. and Cuba, once again, and with no change in Cuban policy to even show for it.


At this point, we shouldn’t expect more from Democrats, but for the GOP nominee for the presidency, conservatives should hold him to a higher standard, if we ever hope to call out liberals without feeling like hypocrites.

Newsweek on Thursday reported that the Trump-controlled company spent at least $68,000 during its 1988 “foray” into Cuba.

Executives at the company “funneled” cash for the trip through an American consulting firm called Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corporation, the report said.

Seven Arrows helped Trump’s senior officers make consultants’s trips and related expenses in Cuba appear legal by linking them to a charitable effort, according to Newsweek.

Only a foreign charity or sponsoring group could pay expenses, it said, including travel.

Senator Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants, who came to the U.S. to make a life after escaping Castro’s oppressive regime.

He has spoken out forcefully against Castro’s Cuba, and was a standout critic of President Obama’s move to normalize relations with the Communist nation.


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