If There Are Recordings From Trump's White House, The Secret Service Doesn't Have Them

Where are the tapes?

President Trump alluded to them. He teased their release, but as to their actual existence…

Getting ahold of them may be as elusive as getting a look at Trump’s tax returns. One thing is for sure, however. The Secret Service are not in possession of any recordings from the White House.


The law enforcement agency responded to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Wall Street Journal seeking any recordings or transcripts. While the agency said they did not possess either, that does not preclude the possibility that other individuals or agencies recorded White House conversations secretly.

Trump has a way of shooting his mouth off and getting himself in trouble.

In March, he tweeted that former President Obama had “wiretapped” Trump Tower. He was asked to provide evidence, but of course, there was none to provide.

In May, he did it again.

“Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” Trump tweeted.

Since then, the White House has refused to clarify whether such tapes exist.

In Trump’s world, everybody is a potential enemy and rather than play it cool, he blurts out things that will tie him up in legal wranglings for months.

The May tweet came after firing James Comey, and the subsequent news that he’d privately asked Comey to let ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn off the hook, in regards to the Russia probe.


In public testimony before Congress last week, Comey expressed his hope that the tapes did exist.

Lordy, I hope there are tapes,” he said.

The president said in the Rose Garden last week that he would have an announcement on the tapes “shortly,” but he wouldn’t say for certain that there were tapes, or how long “shortly” was.

You can look for Trump to continue to blurt out things that have him under constant scrutiny, until the time comes that someone finally locks his Twitter account, or his thumbs get him in a fix he can’t back out of.


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