The Pentagon Has Released Guidance for Transgender Recruits and It Is MADDENING

It takes seven pages of guidance to prepare military recruiters for processing transgendered recruits.

On those seven pages, things like proper pronouns (“he-she” isn’t one of them), medical and pregnancy exams (including giving somebody named “Kevin” a pregnancy test, I’m presuming), and even underwear are addressed.


The Pentagon is preparing to meet federal court orders for admitting the desperately mentally ill into the military, beginning on January 1, 2018. The Justice Department, however, is in court, fighting to allow Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to put delays on that happening.

That ruling could come within a week.

From the Washington Examiner:

The Pentagon has told the courts it must prepare more than 23,000 personnel, including recruiters and medical examiners, for the policy change, which was directed by the Obama administration.

The Obama administration, so the goal was not military readiness, but social justice. Keep that in mind.

Plaintiffs in a D.C. lawsuit against President Trump and his announced ban on transgender military service filed a copy of the Defense Department guidance in federal court Tuesday night, saying it contradicts the Pentagon’s claim that it will not be prepared to accept the recruits and that the Jan. 1 deadline could hurt military readiness.

“All projections and processing actions will be based on the preferred gender of the applicant,” according to the guidance issued by Capt. David Kemp, the head of U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command, dated Dec. 8. “Transgender applicants will be addressed by their preferred gender name and pronoun.”


And when a schizophrenic attempts to enlist, and begins announcing that he is a general, you will abide by everything he says, because now we’re all about catering to mental illness, rather than curing or treating it.

The military will require that the preferred gender of transgender applicants be verified by birth certificate, court order or passport. Any recruits who had gender reassignment surgery or treatment for the gender dysphoria medical condition must show proof they have been stable and without further health issues for 18 months.

Can they be ordered to show that they’ve made preparations for how they’ll supply themselves with the necessary hormone treatments that they will have to have, constantly, in order to keep up the charade of being something they’re not?

Will the military be responsible for risking the lives of troops, in order to get hormones into war zones, so “Private Ronald” doesn’t turn into a pumpkin named “Rhonda” after midnight, or “Lt. Monique” doesn’t grow a beard and see her voice drop several octaves in the middle of a fire fight?

Yes. I’m exaggerating the process (a little bit), but it’s a legitimate concern.

During enlistment, the “chosen” gender (not the actual gender) will be the determining factor in room assignments, height and weight standards, orthopedic and neurological exams, chaperone and bathroom assignments, and yes, underwear.


Am I out of line for assuming there won’t be a question mark printed on the front of those undies?

Transgender recruits who identify as male but have not had gender surgery or hormone treatment and are still physically female must have a pregnancy test. Recruits who have not undergone surgery or hormone therapy must also wear undergarments consistent with their birth gender, not preferred gender.

Wisdom: Men don’t require pregnancy tests, EVER. If they’re giving you a pregnancy test, you’re a girl.

“For the purposes of military entrance processing, the applicant’s preferred gender will be used on all forms asking for the ‘sex’ of the applicant,” the guidance said. “For applicants who do not identify with either male or female, their birth sex will be used on all forms when asking for the ‘sex’ of the applicant.”

That one is going to set off some flaming whiner alerts. How long before a third gender option is demanded? Or a fourth?

And just because there’s not a big enough bureaucracy involved with the military, at this time, each determination for each recruit will be tossed over to the Military Entrance and Processing Command to get the final review.


The reviews are aimed to “ensure consistency in the application of the new standard and to gather best practices and lessons learned as they pertain to this guidance” and could result in new guidance for the recruiting, though they will not delay the acceptance of qualified transgender recruits, Kemp wrote.

The military is supposed to be about order and honor. The very existence of transgendered persons is due to the disorder in their thinking and emotional state.

There are so many ways this could go wrong, and no, it doesn’t make us safer or stronger as a nation.

It puts our troops at risk.





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