Bill Maher Gets It Right, Kavanaugh Charges "Makes Us Look Bad"

A blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while or something like that.

Bill Maher on his infamous HBO show “Real Time With Bill Maher” on Friday night defended Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.



While discussing the allegations that Sen. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. alluded too and the New Yorker obtained, that stated at a party in High School Kavanaugh had…

“held her down and that he attempted to force himself on her” at a party in the early 1980s.

Maher came to Kavanaugh’s defense. According to The Hill

Bill Maher, a prominent critic of President Trump, dismissed Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court nominee this week but said publicizing anonymous accusations against him dating back to high school make critics “look bad.”

“Now they’re coming at him with this accusation from someone anonymous who said that he was at a party … but sexual assault in high school from an anonymous source, I think it makes us look bad,” he said on Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Maher is right. Except for the part where he dismisses Kavanaugh as a jurist.

This makes progressives such as Maher and his crew look like the wack-a-doodles they claim all Trump supporters are. Saying that one allegation from 30 years ago is credible and should be investigated or hold up this vote for his appointment is nonsense.


This is not the first time Democrats have done this of course being they walked this road with Clarence Thomas and his nomination in 1991 when at the last moment Anita Hill popped up with harassment allegations.

Dianne Feinstein should be embarrassed that she came forward with such a flimsy allegation as this.

The Nation should be disgusted with this.

When Bill Maher says this makes your cause look bad, you know you are wrong.




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