Will Donald Trump Support Matt Gaetz's Attempt to Remove Kevin McCarthy?

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

I’m going to take a bold leap and say that the national GOP over the past week has been having a bit of trouble just like what the Michigan GOP has been enduring. This is one way to say they are on a sinking boat like the Titanic and all the lifeboats are gone and the water is damn cold.


I have opined a bit about the MIGOP here with this.

A listing of Michigan Republican Party account balances from West Michigan Community Bank showed $35,051 across seven accounts, with expenses for many of the scheduled speakers at the Sept. 22-24 conference on Mackinac Island not yet paid, including author Dinesh D'Souza and unsuccessful former Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake.

At this point, 13 months before a presidential election, the Michigan Republican Party should have about $10 million in its accounts, said Tom Leonard, a former Michigan House speaker and former finance chairman for the state GOP.

The party had less than 1% of the $10 million target.

Uh oh.

You should have 10 million dollars this far out from a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION and you have less than 1%? Sign me up for this leadership team to lead the state GOP to victory. Hell at this rate the Get Out The Vote strategy and money raising is going, Trump could lose this state by even more than he did in 2020.

I also discussed this on my radio show on WAAM Radio 1600 A.M. & 92.7 F.M. in Ann Arbor Michigan right here:

Suffice it to say that it seems the party of the elephant in both my home state and on the national level does not have the best beginning going for fall so far.

I went over why my state of Michigan's Grand Old Party is having a rough go of it, and I happened to come across an article by my colleague here at RedState, Joe Cunningham, called Matt Gaetz Vows to Oust Kevin McCarthy This Week. I learned that the House Republicans are going to have a full-fledged $%^&show on their hands this week if Gaetz goes through with his promise. 


From that article.

Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida went on CNN's "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper and announced he would be doing what most have expected he was going to do: Push to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his leadership role.

Tapper brought up the fact that Gaetz vowed to file a motion to vacate if McCarthy worked with Democrats to pass a clean continuing resolution, which is exactly what happened in the 11th-hour drama on Saturday. Gaetz confirmed to Tapper that he was going to follow through when the House gavels back into session Monday at noon.

"I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week," he said. "I think we need to rip off the Band-Aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy."

Well, that sounds fun because ripping off Band-Aid analogies are so fun to use and not visual at all.

Here is where I wonder how much support Gaetz really has. 

Back in January of this year when McCarthy was fighting to get the gavel, numerous stories came out to let folks on the Hill know that Kevin McCarthy had Donald Trump's full support. From one such story:

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters he intends to fight on in his bid to be speaker and said former President Donald Trump gave him his backing when he spoke with him Tuesday night.

So recalling that from not that long ago I see an article by another colleague of mine, Bob Hoge, here on the fine pages of RedState that reminds me of that time not so long ago.


Trump Dominates the GOP, Whether You Like It or Not

From that article.

To summarize, the devotion in that room to 45 was so powerful that even DeSantis’ strong performance swayed almost none of those in attendance to turn to his side.

I admit, as a political observer, the Sunshine State’s governor’s inability to attract more supporters has taken me by surprise. I am by no means endorsing him (or Trump) here, but I think it’s incontrovertible that DeSantis has delivered strong results for the conservative agenda and was one of the most effective leaders in fighting back against the Orwellian government overreach during the autocracy of the COVID era. As someone whose family was deeply (and extremely negatively) affected by the draconian, lawless clampdown of Governor Gavin Newsom’s California regime, I can tell you that was no mean feat.

But to a majority of conservatives and Republicans, DeSantis is still no Trump. To them, the man the tabloids used to refer to as The Donald was the original, the OG, the one who brought us back from the darkness which looked like it was going to descend permanently upon us with eight years of Hillary Clinton. (Back then, we didn’t know that an octogenarian train-obsessed hair-sniffer with a limited IQ would actually turn out to be far more dangerous to our republic than Hillary probably could ever have been.)

These passionate devotees don’t care about Trump’s flaws, they don’t care about his endless legal woes (in fact they see them as proof that the Deep State is out of control and needs to be neutered), and they don’t care that DeSantis has been killing it in ads, legislation, and results.

They just can’t quit Donald J. Trump.


So I guess the real question I have is, has Matt Gaetz checked in with Donald Trump on whether or not he has the green light to try to eject McCarthy from the top position in the House of Representatives? 

Gates has constantly reiterated his support for the former president, saying that he believes that Trump is the best choice to lead the GOP in the Presidential Race in 2024. I would assume that there is no doubt that currently, Trump is the de facto leader of the National Republican Party and people like Gaetz would be checking in with POTUS 45 before going ahead with anything like this.

As of this writing, I have not seen anything about the former president giving his opinion on Truth Social or on any other media platform so your guess is as good as mine.

Gaetz mostly has the support of those who are adamant Trump supporters, but does the support for removing McCarthy wane if the former President comes out and gives his support directly or implicitly to McCarthy?

I honestly do not know.

However, I have a feeling we are soon going to find out, and that will determine how rough of a week the national GOP has, and that will probably be something that I'll talk about on my radio show next week.

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