The CPAP Revelation: Joe Biden, Dementia, and the 2024 Presidential Race

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

File this under ‘belaboring the obvious,’ but President Joe Biden is in no condition to be President. It’s a fact that has been obvious for some time now. And this morning, we can add another data point in the assessment, as we discover that Pres. Biden has been using a CPAP machine to deal with sleep apnea. That’s significant for a number of reasons.


President Joe Biden began using a CPAP machine “in recent weeks” to treat the sleep apnea he has suffered from since at least 2008, ABC News reported Wednesday. This new detail about Biden’s health, revealed after observers noticed an unusual indentation on his face, suggests the octogenarian president has put himself at increased risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

Why is this important, given all the evidence we already have of the President’s decline? Because sleep apnea can deprive the brain of oxygen during sleep.

A 2022 study published in the National Library of Medicine came to a similar conclusion: “Sleep apnea is associated with a significantly increased risk of dementia, particularly for Alzheimer’s disease,” the study says. A third study, published in the American Academy of Neurology’s medical journal in May, found that people “with sleep apnea who spend less time in deep sleep are more likely to have brain health problems that could lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or a stroke.”

This whole issue first arose when sharp-eyed commenters, watching a public appearance, noted the marks on the President’s face from the CPAP mask.  A number of questions arise from this observation:

  1. NBC News reports that the President has been suffering from sleep apnea since 2008.  Why hasn’t this been mentioned until people noticed the marks left on the President’s face by the CPAP mask?
  2. If the President has been suffering from sleep apnea since 2008, has he been using a CPAP all this time?
  3. Sleep apnea can aggravate dementia symptoms. Has the President been evaluated for this possibility? The President’s most recent health summary makes no mention of this issue.
  4. Why are the marks persisting on the President’s face this long? CPAP mask marks usually recede within a few minutes, and there are steps you can take to prevent them.

The most troubling aspect of all this is the aggravating effect sleep apnea can have on dementia:

A 2022 study published in the National Library of Medicine came to a similar conclusion: “Sleep apnea is associated with a significantly increased risk of dementia, particularly for Alzheimer’s disease,” the study says. A third study, published in the American Academy of Neurology’s medical journal in May, found that people “with sleep apnea who spend less time in deep sleep are more likely to have brain health problems that could lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or a stroke.”


President Biden has had multiple brain aneurysms, something he confirmed himself only last year. He is showing visible signs of decline — something even the notoriously liberal Piers Morgan has commented on it. He simply isn’t fit to hold office.

There is a reason that, since the Second World War, the President of the United States has been commonly referred to as “the leader of the free world.” It’s a job of enormous complexity, and enormous responsibility and stress; it requires superb stamina, discipline and judgment. The last few Presidents have struggled with aspects of that: President Clinton struggled with the responsibility; President George W. Bush, the judgment; President Obama, the complexity and the judgment; and President Trump, the discipline.

President Biden has long had major issues with (let’s be honest) intelligence and integrity. Now, we can add stamina and judgment to his failings. The simple fact is that he’s not fit for office, and should resign immediately — barring that, his Cabinet should instigate 25th Amendment proceedings to remove him. Yes, I know that places the execrable Vice President Kamala Harris in the driver’s seat, at least for now. But look at it this way: if you want to have the GOP have a lock on the 2024 election, having a President Harris at the Resolute Desk is a pretty good way to achieve that.


What’s baffling is how President Biden has managed to hang on this long. Part of that answer, of course, may found in examining who stands to gain by his remaining in office. But it’s time for him to go. Enough is enough.

Full disclosure: I know very well how CPAP machines work; my wife requires one to sleep, although hers is due not to sleep apnea but a heart condition.


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