
Morbidly Obese Transgender 'Influencer' Bemoans Decline of Masculinity - Self-Awareness Rating: Zero.

AP Photo/Armando Franca

Every social movement will continue until it reaches absurdity. This is a fundamental law of the universe, and henceforth shall be known as "Clark's Law of Social Issue Degradation."

Now, consider the current state of the transgender movement, then look at this.

Absurdity achieved. Done dry-heaving yet?

This is one "Ali C. Lopez," a "transwoman influencer" (exactly who Lopez might be "influencing" is unclear) who is now, believe it or not, on record as decrying the decline of masculinity. Yes, really.

A transgender influencer whose image became a viral meme after appearing on a dating and relationships podcast is sounding the alarm about society being too "sensitive" and declining masculinity. 

"I feel like [it's]… a little bit of an out-of-body experience, or you're just, like, there's, 'No way that's me.' It's a crazy feeling. And honestly, I'm still fairly new to [being viral]," said Ali C. Lopez in an interview with Fox News Digital about becoming an internet meme. "There's good, bad, exciting, nervous. It's just all over the place." 

Declining masculinity. Seriously. I write for a living, and there are times when words fail me. This is one such.

But wait! There's more!

The trans woman told Fox News Digital that dating in the modern age comes with its difficulties, including declining masculinity in society. 

"It's getting out of control," Lopez said. For example, Lopez ideally wants to find someone who can handle things that have been ascribed in the past as traditionally masculine, like fixing a flat tire. But that's not easy to find these days, Lopez explained. 

"At least for me, you better be able to do more than what my dad can do. Because if I have to call my dad to do something for me and not you. Why are you here?" 

Self-awareness rating: Zero. This person, who is deliberately flouting every traditional gender more, is now on record as decrying the loss of traditional masculinity, and not only that, but manages to be insulting and condescending towards actual women.

Here's a thought, though, and a question it would be interesting to put to this Lopez person: Why can't you change your own damn tire? Forget what you "identify" as; I have four daughters, and all four of them know how to change a tire. My sisters all know how to change tires. My Mom knew how to change a tire. She also was a farm wife, and could deliver a calf, throw around hay bales, and kill rattlesnakes — all things I saw her do. My wife knows how to change a tire. She also knows how to drive an ATV, run a chainsaw, skin a buck, butcher a moose, catch fish, and is a pretty damn good shot.

This is the problem with people like this "influencer," who honestly, shouldn't be "influencing" anyone with enough brains to pound sand. This "transwoman" is presenting some ridiculous caricature of what he thinks a woman is supposed to be: Helpless, incapable, and dependent. If that's not misogyny, then what is?

Do you want masculinity? Here is masculinity.

Apparently, letting men compete on girls' swim teams and claiming that Bible figures were transgender wasn't absurd enough.

See Related: Pro-Trans Professor: A Man in the Bible Breastfed, and Joseph's Colorful Coat Means He Was Transgender 

Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Won't Go Away, Sues to Allow Continued Male Domination of Female Athletes

There is a reason traditional gender roles are traditional, and that's because, for at least the last couple hundred thousand years, they worked, and still do. Men are on balance, larger, stronger, faster, and more resistant to injury. Women are smaller, weaker, but more dexterous (as I'm reminded on those rare occasions when I try to thread a needle with my big gorriloid hands) and are — this is rather important — the only ones who can bear children. Women bear and nurture children. Men protect and provide for women and children. It's traditional. It works.

That's not to say women are in any way lesser than men. I wouldn't be who I am were it not for my wife. She brings out the best in me; I've been a better man for having her in my life, and she says the same in return. She has more physical and emotional courage than anyone I've ever known, and I'm lucky to have her in my life. A good marriage is a partnership, with strengths reinforced and weaknesses reduced by the union.

People like this "influencer," Ali C. Lopez, can't just seek to dismantle these institutions and then decry the loss of masculinity without becoming absurd. And that brings us back to Clark's Law of Social Issue Degradation. Remember it: Every social movement will continue until it reaches absurdity. Cite this... person as proof.


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