
Public Schools Are No Longer Safe for Your Child

AP Photo/Denis Poroy

I won't deny that I have a prejudice against our nation's public school system. I believe it's outdated, filled to the brim with corruption, and is only getting worse with each passing day. These institutions that once taught the future of America how to read, write, and problem-solve are now hives of ideological brainwashing, assaults, and a child's health.

While I won't refute that there are actually great teachers out there who do their best for their students and teach them as they should be taught, the sad reality is that the public school scene has been made toxic thanks to an invasion of activists posing as educators. 

As RedState recently covered, footage of a male student who identifies as a female assaulting various female students at Hazelbrook Middle School in Oregon went viral, causing a massive backlash against the school. On Friday, RedState reported that the school responded to the backlash with one of the most weasely responses you could have asked for. 

As you can see, the school decided to turn around and make it seem like the real bad guys in this situation were the people who called the school out because it endangered the students. Then they patted themselves on the back for their "dedication" to diversity and Oregon: 

It is important for the community to understand that all the individuals involved are minors including the victim, the originator of the assault, and the students recording and sharing this violent act. As minors, there are laws in place that protect their privacy. As this is a criminal investigation involving minors, no details will be provided to the public.

Students and adults contributed to the sharing of this recording that exposed minors who were directly and indirectly involved without consent. In addition, the sharing of this incident has spread across the country and beyond, inspiring false information and a focus and discourse on sexual identity. These acts have contributed to the trauma individuals and families are already experiencing.

The TTSD Board of Directors stands firm in our practice of holding those who commit acts of violence accountable as guided by Board policy. We are also united in upholding an educational environment that fosters inclusivity, diversity, and respect. We will not be distracted from our responsibilities of governing this vibrant school system by any form of harassment or bias.

Let me translate this gobbledegook for you. 

"You're all horrible people for spreading this video around and putting another dent in the transgender movement's narrative that they're the actual victims. This doesn't reflect well on our leftist clout here in Oregon, so we're going to pepper leftist buzzwords into the final paragraph to virtue signal and attempt to distract from any damage our inaction caused because we hoped this would just stay quiet and go away.

Get f***ed,

The TTSD Board of Directors." 

This is just another story to add to the ungodly high pile of stories featuring public schools abusing children in some way. Just doing a search through my articles on the site alone, you can see story after story after story about schools engaging in nefarious activities with children and in secrecy. 

(READ: Let Me Reiterate Something About Our Education System Big Tech Clearly Doesn't Want Me to Say)

This isn't even talking about the fact that many schools opt to make their campuses "gun-free zones" and not allow teachers to carry despite events repeatedly demonstrating that this needs to change

If your kids aren't being indoctrinated, they're being assaulted. If they're not being assaulted, they're being shot. Public schools are no longer safe for your child on multiple levels. 

I realize not every parent can just take their kid out of school, so the best way to deal with this problem is for parents to do what they've been doing in various places around the country and successfully to boot.

Parents and taxpayers need to depose leftist members of their local school board, fill their spots themselves, then proceed to clean up the schools in their district from the top down, change policies that make the student's education first, eliminate any attempts at political indoctrination, and force out teachers that refuse to comply. 

This is nothing short of your student's future, and possibly their lives on the line. 


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